This article will walk you through how to download Symantec Encryption products from the Broadcom Download portal.
TIP! Scroll down to the "Additional Information" section for many useful articles to help you to get started with Symantec Encryption Products!
Symantec Encryption has two product lines:
1. Symantec Endpoint Encryption (SEE) includes:
SEE Management Server
SEE Drive Encryption
SEE Removable Media Encryption
2. PGP Encryption Products (PGP) Includes:
PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server)
PGP Encryption Desktop (Symantec Encryption Desktop)
PGP Encryption Products can also include one or more of the following, depending on SKU:
PGP Gateway Email Encryption
PGP File Share Encryption
PGP Desktop Email Encryption
PGP Command Line
This will guide you in how to download each:
Important Tip: To find out how to obtain your license number for PGP Encryption Desktop (Symantec Encryption Desktop) for the features, File Share Encryption, or Email Encryption, PGP Encryption Server, or PGP Command Line, see the following article:
193931 - Downloading Symantec Encryption products from the Broadcom download Portal (Getting Started)
206503 - Finding your license number for Symantec Encryption products (PGP and SEE)
175951 - Enter your License information for PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server)
276507 - Entering your License information for Symantec Endpoint Encryption version 12 and above
180234 - Entering your license information for PGP Command Line
180213 - Entering your License information for PGP Encryption Desktop (Symantec Encryption Desktop)
Note: To apply updates to Symantec Encryption Products, you will first download the software and then use the respective Upgrade/Update Process outlined in the product documentation. See the "Additional Information" on the bottom of this KB for additional information on upgrading Symantec Encryption products.
For a brief overview of our portfolio, please enjoy the Symantec Encryption Overview Video
Go ahead and login with your credentials:
If you have not registered an account, you can register at this same portal by clicking on "Register" and following the steps:
Once you’re logged in, you should see your name appear on the top right:
Next, click on “My Downloads” from the menu on the left (Highlighted in yellow):
TIP 1: If you have a support login, but do not have any products available, you will need to obtain your Site ID and register that with your support account. For information on this, check the "Adding a Site ID to your profile" section of article 142873, which will allow you to associate the entitlements to your account and allow you to download products and log support cases with Symantec Support.
For any issues or if your software is not listed as you expect, please contact Customer Care and they can help you get your account setup:
Tip 2: If your Site ID does not add in the product you were expecting, check your email for your "Contract Number" and contact Customer Care.
If you do not have your email any longer, contact your sales representative and they can help you locate this.
Once you are on the downloads page, you will see all the products your entitlement provides.
In this example, we will be searching for “Encryption”, which could show many different products depending on what your entitlements allow:
As you can see above, this entitlement allows for many different Encryption products. Depending on which Encryption product you would like to use, click on the items to download.
TIP: If you are not sure which product to download, check each of the Scenarios below for guidance:
At the time of this writing, Symantec Endpoint Encryption version 12.0 would be the latest version.
Once you click on "Endpoint Encryption", you will get the following listed with "chevron" icon on the far right-hand side of the screen:
Once you click the chevron icon, you'll see a screen similar to the following with the available versions allowed under your entitlement:
We want to download the latest version available in the download portal.
For At the time of this writing, Symantec Endpoint Encryption version 12 was the latest. The following screen will appear:
TIP: Consult the "Current Version" article for more information on the current versions of all Encryption solutions, 156303 -Latest Symantec Encryption Products Versions
If you agree to the "Broadcom Terms and Conditions", check the box and then click the download icon to start the download and save to your local system.
*Desktop Email Encryption
*Encryption Management Server
*File Share Encryption
*Drive Encryption
*Gateway Email Encryption
Each one of the above will allow you to download the SEMS/PGP server or the PGP/SED Client.
For this example, I want to download the PGP server, so click on "Encryption Management Server" and you will see the following:
I want to download the latest version, so I am going to click on "11.0". At the time of this writing, version 11 was the latest.
If you are doing a completely new install, get the PGP Server ISO.
If you are doing an incremental update, get the PGP PUP
Since I want to do a completely new install, I will download the ISO, and so I will choose ""
The above download will contain the ISO for the PGP Encryption Server 11
If you agree to the "Broadcom Terms and Conditions", check the box and then click the download icon to start the download and save to your local system.
First, in the My Downloads portal, type "Encryption". Then click on any of the following options:
*Desktop Email Encryption
*File Share Encryption
*Drive Encryption
In this scenario, I will click on "File Share Encryption":
Expand the above, and select the version you are entitled to. For this example, we want the latest version and at the time of this writing, 10.5.1 was the latest so we click on "10.5.1":
TIP: Consult the "Current Version" article for more information on the current versions of all Encryption solutions, 156303 - Latest Symantec Encryption Products Versions
If you click on the "11.0" version, you will be downloading the PGP Encryption Server:
The reason for this is version 11 does not have a "standalone" client from the download portal. You would need to download this from the PGP Encryption Server, by following this article, 180244 - Downloading the PGP Encryption Desktop (Symantec Encryption Desktop) Client Installers from the PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server)
Important Note for PGP Encryption Desktop version 11 "Standalone":
Starting with PGP 11, if you need to download the standalone client for the Encryption Server, you would first install the PGP Encryption Server.
For information on how to download this client from the PGP Encryption Server, see the following article:
180244 - Downloading the PGP Encryption Desktop (Symantec Encryption Desktop) Client Installers from the PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server)
You would not check the "Customize" option when downloading.
After downloading, the client should be a Standalone build. For more guidance on this, reach out to Symantec Encryption Support.
PGP Encryption Desktop 10.5.1 should still allow the download of the standalone client from the download portal:
" file"
To download PGP Command Line, go to the My Downloads, type in "PGP" in the search field and you may see the following options:
Click on the "PGP Command Line" in the product selection.
Next, expand the product selection by clicking on the "chevron" icon on the right side, and you will see the versions available for download:
We want the latest, and at the time of this writing, 11.0 was the latest so we click that:
Now simply download the version you want. Since 11.0 is the latest (and only version on this branch at the time of this writing), we'll choose that and each of these downloads will provide Windows, Linux, macOS, AIX, HPUX and Solaris
TIP: Consult the "Current Version" article for more information on the current versions of all Encryption solutions, 156303 - Latest Symantec Encryption Products Versions
For a brief overview of our portfolio, please enjoy the Symantec Encryption Overview Video
252162 - Accessing knowledge articles from a case
275360 - Subscribe to a Broadcom knowledge article
193931 - Downloading Symantec Encryption products from the Broadcom download Portal
206503 - Finding your license number for Symantec Encryption products
175951 - Enter your License information for PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server)
276507 - Entering your License information for Symantec Endpoint Encryption version 12 and above
180234 - Entering your license information for PGP Command Line
180213 - Entering your License information for PGP Encryption Desktop (Symantec Encryption Desktop)
153245 - Symantec Encryption Product License concept - How are Symantec Encryption Products licensed (SEE and PGP)
153399 - PGP Command Line license displays as "Invalid" on VMware systems
157080 - Pictured Installation Guide for Symantec Encryption Management Server
Upgrading Symantec Encryption Management Server
211876 - Technical considerations when upgrading Encryption Management Server to release 10.5
180749 - Upgrading Encryption Management Server using a *.pup file
231076 - Using Symantec Encryption Management Server with Oracle Cloud
153721 - Creating a Cluster with Symantec Encryption Management Server
232034 - Manage PGP Keys with PGP Desktop or Symantec Encryption Desktop
193931 - Using Email Encryption with PGP Desktop and Outlook
191087 - Configuring Symantec Encryption Desktop to automatically encrypt Gmail in Outlook
153592 - Access Encryption Management Server by using SSH
205088 - What's New with Symantec Endpoint Encryption 11.3.1 and 11.4
178368 - Configure the Symantec Endpoint Encryption Management Server
240321 - OAuth Communications with Symantec Endpoint Encryption 11.4 and above
180416 - Installing an SSL Certificate for Encryption Management Server
174725 - Grant Additional Administrators Access to Endpoint Encryption Manager Server Console
214854 - Symantec Encryption Management Server - Database Maintenance Options
Scenario 1: (PGP to SEE)
227509 - Migrating from Symantec Encryption Desktop to Symantec Endpoint Encryption (Drive Encryption components)
Scenario 2: Moving SEE Clients from the same database to another SEE Management Server with the same Database
154122 - How to Migrate Symantec Endpoint Encryption Management Console and all the clients from one Server to another Server, without moving the existing SQL Server
Scenario 3: Moving same SEE database from one DB instance to another
152340 - How to move the SEE-MS SQL database from one server/instance to another
Scenario 4: Migrate from GPO policy to SEE Native for ease of use
243136 - Migrating to Symantec Endpoint Encryption Policy Methodologies to SEE Native Policies (From Active Directory Policies)
179262 - Automatically upgrade Windows 10 systems encrypted with Symantec Encryption Desktop 10.4.2.x and 10.5.x
179265 - Automatically upgrade Windows 10 systems encrypted with Symantec Endpoint Encryption 11
213895 - Deploy or Upgrade Windows 10 automatically using SCCM on systems encrypted with Symantec Encryption Desktop
213890 - Deploy or Upgrade Windows 10 automatically using SCCM on systems encrypted with Symantec Endpoint Encryption