Upgrading the PGP Encryption Server using a *.pup file (Symantec Encryption Management Server)
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Upgrading the PGP Encryption Server using a *.pup file (Symantec Encryption Management Server)


Article ID: 180749


Updated On: 01-27-2025


Encryption Management Server Gateway Email Encryption PGP Command Line PGP Key Management Server PGP Key Mgmt Client Access and CLI API PGP SDK Desktop Email Encryption Desktop Email Encryption Drive Encryption Endpoint Encryption File Share Encryption PGP Encryption Suite


There are two methods of upgrading the PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server):

  1. Migration. This is where you export the Organization Key keypair, take a backup, store the backup file on a remote host and then install the PGP Encryption Server from ISO media. You then import the Organization Key keypair and restore the backup. Further details are in the relevant upgrade guide. For example, the Symantec Encryption Management Server 10.5 Upgrade Guide and in articles such as 211876 - Technical considerations when upgrading PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server).
  2. PUP. This is where you download a zip file containing a *.pup file, upload it to the PGP Encryption Server from the administration console and run it from the console. All Maintenance Packs can be installed using the PUP method as well as many point releases.

This article explains how to upgrade using the PUP method. This method is also explained in the Release Notes for each new release.


Symantec Encryption Management Server 10.5 and above.


Download the *.pup file

Download the zip file containing the *.pup file from the Download Center. For example, the file for release 10.5 MP2 is Symantec_Encryption_10.5.0_MP2_PUP.zip.

The zip file contains the *.pup file. For example, the file for 10.5 MP2 is SymantecEncryption10.5.0MP2.pup.

Consider also downloading the zip file containing the *.iso file so that you have it available should you ever need to re-install. For example, the file for release 10.5 MP2 is Symantec_Encryption_Web_10.5.0_MP2_Full.zip.

Web Email Protection

If you are using Web Email Protection and are using either an Advanced Customization template or a Complete Customization template, you need to take additional steps to ensure that the template will still appear correctly for Web Email Protection users after the upgrade.

If you are using an Advanced Customization template, navigate to Services / Web Email Protection in the administration console and click on the download button next to the name of your active template. The file will be named Advanced_WebMessengerImages.zip and will contain your custom images. After upgrading, if your Advanced Customization template does not appear as it should, edit your Advanced Customization template and upload the Advanced_WebMessengerImages.zip file that contains your custom images.

If you are using a Complete Customization template, navigate to Services / Web Email Protection in the administration console and click on the download button next to the name of your active template. The file will be named WebMessengerWeb.zip and will contain your custom HTML files and images. To avoid issues with the Complete Customization not being migrated properly, before upgrading, delete your Complete Customization template. Then, and after the upgrade, create a new Complete Customization template using the WebMessengerWeb.zip file that you downloaded.

Upload the *.pup file

You can upload the *.pup file in advance of carrying out the upgrade. In the administration console, do the following:

  1. Navigate to System > Updates.
  2. Click on the Upload Update Package... button.
  3. Click on the Choose File button.
  4. Select the *.pup file and click the Open button.
  5. Click the Upload button to upload the *.pup file to the server. The *.pup file is normally close to 1 GB in size so this may take some time.
  6. The new update will appear in the list of Software Updates. For example, the list below shows release 10.5.0 build 1520 has already been installed and build 1721 is ready to be installed:

Take a backup

Prior to installing the upgrade, take a backup. In the administration console, do the following:

  1. Navigate to System > Backups.
  2. Click on the Backup Now button.
  3. The backup file will be stored according to the settings displayed when you click the Backup Location button. It is not best practice to store backups on the server being backed up.

If Encryption Management Server is a VMware Virtual Machine, consider taking a VMware snapshot before installing the upgrade.

Install the upgrade

To install the upgrade, in the administration console, do the following:

  1. Navigate to System > Updates.
  2. Click on the install button next to the release you wish to install.
  3. Accept the license agreement by scrolling down and clicking on the I Agree button.
  4. The upgrade begins and the administration console shows this:

The upgrade should normally take no more than 30 minutes. If the upgrade contains an updated Linux kernel, the system will be rebooted automatically after the upgrade is complete. Most upgrades do contain an update to the Linux kernel. Do not reboot the server during an upgrade.

Upgrading a cluster

In a clustered environment, each cluster member will need to be upgraded individually. Replication will not occur between Encryption Management Servers that are running different releases.

Check the upgrade

After the upgrade is completed, check that it was successful. From the administration console, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Reporting > Overview and in the Statistics section, check the value of Server Version. It should show that the server is running the new release.
  2. Navigate to Reporting > Logs and select the Update log. Search for "Successfully installed update". You should find an entry stating that the update was installed successfully. In the Display drop down, filter on Error and then on Warning. You should see no results.

Additional Information

211876 - Technical considerations when upgrading Encryption Management Server to release 10.5

150915 - PGP Encryption Server Benefits and Considerations for upgrading to version 10.5

180196 - HOW TO: Backup the Organization Key on the PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server)

193931 - How to download Symantec Encryption products from the Broadcom download Portal (And where to find the license number for PGP)

157080 - Pictured Installation Guide for Symantec Encryption Management Server (PGP Server)

180249 - HOW TO: Configure the Backup Location and schedule for the PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server)

153588 - Restore Backup files to the PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server)

180749 - Upgrading PGP Encryption Server using a *.pup file (Symantec Encryption Management Server)

153318 - Restoring Encryption Management Server Backups larger than 2GB

197045 - Custom scripts are moved when upgrading to Encryption Management Server 10.5