How to: Enter your License information for PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server)
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How to: Enter your License information for PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server)


Article ID: 175951


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Encryption Management Server Gateway Email Encryption Desktop Email Encryption Drive Encryption Endpoint Encryption File Share Encryption PGP Command Line PGP Key Management Server PGP Key Mgmt Client Access and CLI API PGP SDK


This article explains how to enter the license number on the PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server) to enable functionality.


For information on how to enter the license number for Symantec Endpoint Encryption, and other related topics, see the following articles:

193931 - How to download Symantec Encryption products from the Broadcom download Portal
206503 - How to find your license number for Symantec Encryption products

175951 - How to: Enter your License information for PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server)
276507 - How to: Enter your License information for Symantec Endpoint Encryption version 12 and above
180234 - How to: Enter your license information for PGP Command Line
180213 - How to: Enter your License information for PGP Encryption Desktop (Symantec Encryption Desktop)



The PGP Encryption Server license information is displayed on the System / General Settings page in the administration console. Depending on the license number, the fields displayed are either as follows:

  • Maximum users.
  • License Expiration.
  • Features.

or as follows:

  • License Expiration.
  • Features.

If the Maximum users field is not displayed, Encryption Management Server will not issue warnings concerning the number of users. However, you still need to purchase sufficient user licenses.



You will be prompted to enter your License Number when you install Encryption Management Server from *.iso file. The License Number has the following format:

PGP Encryption Server 11: Starting with PGP Server version 11, you will download your .SLF file from the Entitlements portion of the Broadcom Support Portal.

Once you have it downloaded, you will upload this to the license portal of the new PGP Encryption Server Web Console.

Step 1: PGP 11 no longer has a license button in the old Web console:

Instead, you will click on the new "Symantec" logo (Symantec Check Mark Logo) to login to the new Web Console:  .


Step 2: Once you click this lock, you'll be taken to a new URL:

Step 3: Once you login, click on the "Settings" option on the left side:


Step 4:  Next, click on the "License Management" in the list of components:


Step 5: You will see the list of PGP Encryption products under the "Feature" column
Click on "Upload License" on the right side of the page.


Step 6: The "Upload License" dialog will appear:


Step 7: Once you have successfully browsed to the file and clicked "Upload License", you should see something similar to the following:

Make sure the dates look correct.  If they do not look correct, look on the Entitlements page and see if there are others.
If not, reach out to Customer Care for further guidance.

Step 8: You should now see the entitlement. In this example, "PGP Gateway Email Encryption" is listed and shows 1000 seats activated:


Step 9: On the "License Status" page, you can see the information listed according to your Entitlements:


Step 10: On the Dashboard, you should see similar information to help you keep track of your licensing:


Troubleshooting: If you receive an error about "Invalid License File", re-download your license .SLF file from the Entitlements portal.
Make sure it is not expired, and try again.  If the file is tampered with, it will not work.  Make sure the file extension is ".slf".

"Invalid License file"



For PGP Encryption Server 10.5.1 and older:

The license format is as follows: A1B23-CD4E5-FGHLM-6N7P8-9QRST-VWX

You will still get this license number for the he Entitlements portion of the Broadcom Support Portal, but you will open the file with a text editor and copy/paste the license number into the PGP Encryption Server.

In Encryption Management Server prior to release 3.3.2 MP8 you also needed to enter additional fields such as Name and Organization.

If you upgrade Encryption Management Server, the existing license details are retained.

You may wish to replace an existing license in order to remove the Maximum users field. Please do the following once you have obtained the new license number:

  1. Click on the License button on the System / General Settings page in the administration console.
  2. You are warned You already have a license. Click OK to replace it. Click on the OK button to continue.
  3. Enter the new license number and click the OK button.




If you get the following error message, you are likely using an old license number on the PGP server. 



All modern versions of PGP Server will now use a new license number scheme.  You first need to get your license number from the download portal, and then you can go to each of the Consumer policies and click the "Use Default" option.rsion 

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