Finding your license number for Symantec Encryption products (PGP and SEE)
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Finding your license number for Symantec Encryption products (PGP and SEE)


Article ID: 206503


Updated On: 10-31-2024


Endpoint Encryption PGP Command Line File Share Encryption Encryption Management Server Desktop Email Encryption Drive Encryption Gateway Email Encryption Information Centric Encryption PGP Key Management Server PGP Key Mgmt Client Access and CLI API PGP SDK


This document will show you how to locate your license number from the Broadcom portal.

Scroll down to the "Additional Information" section for many useful articles to help you get started with Symantec Encryption Products!

Additional Information Topics:
Section 1: Licensing and Downloading Topics
Section 2: PGP Encryption Products
Section 3: Symantec Endpoint Encryption (SEE) Products:
Section 4: Windows Upgrades/Updates with Symantec Encryption Products


Symantec Enterprise Division has two product lines/branches:

1. Symantec Endpoint Encryption
(Drive Encryption and Removable Media Encryption)

The SEE products version 12 and above use a license number.  Versions 11.4 and older did not use a license number.

2. PGP Encryption Products

PGP Encryption Server
(Symantec Encryption Management Server)

PGP Encryption Desktop (Symantec Encryption Desktop) 
(Email Encryption, File Encryption, Full Drive Encryption, USB Drive Encryption, File Share Encryption and Virtual Disks).

PGP Command Line
(Encrypting/signing + Decrypting/verifying functionality from the command line)


All of the above products that require a license number can be downloaded from the Broadcom portal. 

For more information on how to download Symantec Encryption products and related topics, see the following articles:

193931 - How to download Symantec Encryption products from the Broadcom download Portal
206503 - How to find your license number for Symantec Encryption products

175951 - How to: Enter your License information for PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server)
276507 - How to: Enter your License information for Symantec Endpoint Encryption version 12 and above
180234 - How to: Enter your license information for PGP Command Line
180213 - How to: Enter your License information for PGP Encryption Desktop (Symantec Encryption Desktop)


To understand how all of the Encryption products are licensed, see the following article KB article:

153245 - Symantec Encryption Product License concept - How are Symantec Encryption Products licensed (SEE and PGP)


To find your license number, login to your Broadcom support portal at  You will be required to login to the portal.

Once you are logged in, click on the "My Entitlements" 

You will then see the Entitlements associated with the products you currently own:

As you can see in the example above, the company name is "Service Service Service, Inc" and there appears to be three entitlements.  

On the right-hand side of the page, you'll notice the little down arrow chevron icons:

Each of these down arrow chevrons can be clicked to expand the entitlements:

In the example above, you can see this entitlement allows for "Endpoint Encryption", "File Share Encryption", "Gateway Email Encryption" and "PGP Command Line". 


Section 1 of 2: Symantec Endpoint Encryption Management Server (SEE)


Starting with Symantec Endpoint Encryption version 12, a license file will need to be entered (See article  276507 for information on how to enter the license number for SEE)


To find your license file, you will click on "Endpoint Encryption" product from the list and click on "Entitlement Details":


You will then see your Serial Number for the SEE product and the "Licenses" icon to download a license .slf file:

You will see the .slf file for your Entitlement:

This license file does not need to be opened, but if you do open with a text editor, you will see information specific to your own Entitlement.  

You should see a file similar to the following:

You will now take this file and proceed to article  276507 for guidance on how to use this license file.


Section 2 of 2: PGP Encryption Server, PGP Encryption Desktop client, and PGP Command Line


We want to get the license number for the PGP Server, so we'll click on "Gateway Email Encryption" (this is one of the many names the PGP server has based on functionality).

We will click the ribbon icon under the "Licenses":

  This will open the page where you can download your actual license number: 

To download the license file (a .slf file), click the cloud-download icon under the "Action" column.  This will begin the download.  

Once downloaded, open the .slf file with a text editor, such as Notepad, or Notepad++ to see the contents:

If you are going to license the PGP Encryption server, use the one listed above "Symantec Encryption Management Server"

If you are going to do a standalone installation of the PGP Encryption Desktop client (not managed by the PGP Encryption Server), use the "Symantec Encryption Desktop" license number.

The license numbers above are samples only and not actual license numbers.


Standalone Client Licenses:

NOTE: As of September of 2024, the release of the updated SKU that combines all encryption products for PGP and SEE into the PGP Encryption Suite model. PGP Desktop standalone licenses are no longer included in the SLF license file with this new license format. If you have a PGP Encryption Suite SKU, you must license PGP Desktop clients through enrollment through a PGP Encryption Server. If you renewed your license after the release, you will have a PGP Encryption Suite license and the standalone steps below are not applicable.


PGP Encryption Desktop 11 and above
Once you have found your license SLF file, download it and open it with a text editor.
Look for the license string, which will look something like this:

When you launch the PGP Encryption Desktop client, this is the license number you will be entering into the product.

Starting with PGP Encryption Desktop version 11, you must download the client from the PGP Encryption Server as it is no longer on the download portal as a standalone download.
For more information on this topic, see the following KB:

180244 - HOW TO: Download the PGP Encryption Desktop Client Installers from the PGP Encryption Server


PGP Encryption Desktop 10.5.1 and older
If you have an entitlement for the PGP client, you may see only one license number, such as the following sample:

This desktop client license number will *not* work for the PGP Encryption Server.


For PGP Command Line, you will have a separate license number. 
Neither the PGP Encryption Server, nor the PGP Encryption Desktop client license numbers will work with PGP Command Line.



If you run into any further snags, feel free to reach out to Symantec Encryption Support for assistance.


Additional Information

193931 - How to download Symantec Encryption products from the Broadcom download Portal (And where to find the license number for PGP)


Section 1: Licensing and Downloading Topics

193931 - How to download Symantec Encryption products from the Broadcom download Portal
206503 - How to find your license number for Symantec Encryption products

175951 - How to: Enter your License information for PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server)
276507 - How to: Enter your License information for Symantec Endpoint Encryption version 12 and above
180234 - How to: Enter your license information for PGP Command Line
180213 - How to: Enter your License information for PGP Encryption Desktop (Symantec Encryption Desktop)

153245 - Symantec Encryption Product License concept - How are Symantec Encryption Products licensed (SEE and PGP)
153399 - PGP Command Line license displays as "Invalid" on VMware systems


Section 2: PGP Encryption Products

Upgrading Symantec Encryption Management Server

150915 - Symantec Encryption Management Server Benefits and Considerations for upgrading to version 10.5

211876 - Technical considerations when upgrading Encryption Management Server to release 10.5

180749 - Upgrading Encryption Management Server using a *.pup file

153390 - Upgrading PGP Command Line


Section 3: Symantec Endpoint Encryption (SEE) Products:

227219 - Making Symantec Endpoint Encryption Management Server Public Facing

205088 - What's New with Symantec Endpoint Encryption 11.3.1

179347 - HOW TO: Install Symantec Endpoint Encryption Management Server (SEE Management Server)

178368 - Configure the Symantec Endpoint Encryption Management Server

180416 - How to Install an SSL Certificate for Encryption Management Server

155127 - Symantec Endpoint Encryption Client communication and SEE Client Creation troubleshooting steps

Upgrading Symantec Endpoint Encryption Management Server

174725 - Grant Additional Administrators Access to Endpoint Encryption Manager Server Console

214854 - Symantec Encryption Management Server - Database Maintenance Options


Section 4: Windows Upgrades/Updates with Symantec Encryption Products
179262 - How to automatically upgrade Windows 10 systems encrypted with Symantec Encryption Desktop 10.4.2.x and 10.5.x

179265 - How to automatically upgrade Windows 10 systems encrypted with Symantec Endpoint Encryption 11

213895 - Deploy or Upgrade Windows 10 automatically using SCCM on systems encrypted with Symantec Encryption Desktop

213890 - Deploy or Upgrade Windows 10 automatically using SCCM on systems encrypted with Symantec Endpoint Encryption