Logging a Support case for Symantec Endpoint Encryption, Symantec Endpoint Protection and other Symantec Enterprise Security Solutions
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Logging a Support case for Symantec Endpoint Encryption, Symantec Endpoint Protection and other Symantec Enterprise Security Solutions


Article ID: 209191


Updated On: 01-15-2025


Endpoint Encryption Desktop Email Encryption Drive Encryption Encryption Management Server PGP Command Line PGP Key Mgmt Client Access and CLI API PGP Key Management Server PGP SDK File Share Encryption Gateway Email Encryption


A common issue for Symantec Customers is submitting a case for products that may be similar in naming convention, but are different security solutions, such as Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) VS Symantec Endpoint Encryption
This can be confusing to know how to log the support case.

To ensure you log the case in the product proper queue and avoid potential delays, this article will provide some guidance on how to log a case with Symantec Security products.


Prerequisites before you can log a support case through the portal:

*Create a Support Account at the online portal.  Go to support.broadcom.com, click "Login" on the top-right of the screen and either login or register.
Once you create your Broadcom support account, you will need your Site ID for the product you need help with.

*Associate your Site ID for your support contract with your account.  Once you have created your account and have a Site ID for your contract, associate that to your support account. 
See the following article for information on this, either obtaining the Site ID or adding it to your account:
142873 - Obtain a Broadcom Support Site ID or upgrade a Broadcom account


Note: If the case management page does not open due to popup blockers, use the following URL:


When you go to the support.broadcom.com support portal, you'll see a "Login" option on the top-right corner of the screen.  Login to this portal:

Once you login, you will see the support portal Dashboard:


Click on "My Cases" on the left side of the screen:



This will open your Case portal where you can see all your cases.  In this example, no cases have ever been created.
If you have already logged cases, you'll see your list here and you can click on each case:

To open a new case, click on "Create Case" on the top-right corner of your My Cases portal:


Once you do this, you'll see the Create Case form.  Fill out the form to the best of your knowledge, but the most important item here is the "Product" field.

The Product that you choose will determine which Symantec team gets the case. 

Since we want to log a case for "Desktop Email Encryption (PGP Desktop, or Symantec Encryption Desktop), we'll choose this product from the list.


There are other Symantec Encryption products to choose from, so choose the one that best meets your needs.

If you need assistance with our Symantec Encryption software solutions, submit the case under "Symantec Endpoint Encryption".

If you need assistance with Symantec Encryption Management Server (SEMS - PGP Server, PGP Universal Server, PGP Encryption Desktop, or PGP products), choose Encryption Management Server, or "Gateway Email Encryption".  Email.cloud is not the correct product for PGP encryption

Logging Cases Other Symantec Security Products

If you need assistance with Altiris\IT Management Suite\Endpoint Management, choose the product "Client Management Suite" or "Endpoint Management" as the product.

If you need assistance with the Symantec Antivirus software, and/or Symantec Endpoint Protection applications, or SEPM, choose "Symantec Endpoint Protection".

If you need assistance with the Symantec Phishing protection or "Phishing security"choose "Symantec Email Security.cloud" or "Email.cloud" when you log a case.

If you need assistance with Symantec Email Security.cloud/Message Labs, submit the case under Email Security.cloud.

If you need assistance with Symantec Messaging Gateway (SMG/ On-Prem Solution), choose Symantec Messaging Gateway.

If you need assistance with "Service Virtualization", when you select your product, choose "SV" or "Service Virtualization".

Each of our Symantec Enterprise Security teams are happy to assist!

If your SiteID is expired, or does not list the Symantec  Endpoint Encryption or Symantec Endpoint Protection products (or any other Symantec products you would expect to see), please contact our Customer Care folks for further assistance.

To contact customer care, see the following URL:



Important Note: If you have a Sev1/Production Down issue, please contact customer care for prompt assistance.  Cases logged in the support portal can be logged as Sev2 or lower priority only.

Severity Information Definitions:
1 - Emergency -
System down or inoperative condition impacting a production environment. 
Do not log an online request--Please call us directly using one of the global contact numbers appropriate for your location on our "Contact Support" page

Please be aware that Severity 1 cases will be addressed 24x7 and must be created by telephone.  Severity 2 through Severity 4 cases are addressed during normal business hours,
based on the time the case is initially created, online or by telephone.

2 - Critical- Severe/high business impact condition potentially affecting a production environment.

3 - Issue with no major or low-impact condition

4 - Minor problem or question about usage.

Additional Information