Entering your License information for Symantec Endpoint Encryption version 12 and above
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Entering your License information for Symantec Endpoint Encryption version 12 and above


Article ID: 276507


Updated On: 12-05-2024


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Starting with Symantec Endpoint Encryption version 12, a new license model has been created to assist with tracking and License Utilization.  This article will show you how to get your SEE Management Server version 12 licensed and how this is done.


For information on how to download Symantec Encryption products and other related topics, see the following articles:

193931 - How to download Symantec Encryption products from the Broadcom download Portal
206503 - How to find your license number for Symantec Encryption products

175951 - How to: Enter your License information for PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server)
276507 - How to: Enter your License information for Symantec Endpoint Encryption version 12 and above
180234 - How to: Enter your license information for PGP Command Line
180213 - How to: Enter your License information for PGP Encryption Desktop (Symantec Encryption Desktop)


Important Note: When uploading the license .SLF file, make sure you do this **on the SEE Management Server itself**.
If you try to upload the license .SLF file on a remote system, the license authorization may fail.
Reach out to Symantec Encryption Support for further guidance if this may be the case. 


Step 1: Once you have downloaded and installed the SEE Management Server 12, you should be able to login to the Web portal.

For guidance on how to login to the SEE Web Portal, see the following article:

240649 - Symantec Endpoint Encryption Web Dashboard and Reports


Step 2: Once you are logged in, you will see the following message:

"Upload a license to protect your sensitive data"

Step 3: To find your license file, you will need to log in to the Broadcom Support Portal.  For guidance on how to obtain this .slf license file, see the following article:

206503 - How to find your license number for Symantec Encryption products

Once you have your license .slf file, you can then click "Upload" to then browse to this license file.  In this example, the filename will be called, "S1112223334_555666777888999.slf"

Note: It doesn't matter what this name is, only the contents of the file, and the contents of the file must not be modified, or the license operation will fail.

Step 4: Once you browse to the license .slf file, you will see something similar to the below:

Click "Upload" and once successful, the following message will appear:

Step 5: Once this is uploaded, you will now see your license accommodations to help you track and visualize what is currently being utilized:

Step 6: To check your licenses, or add more, click on the Settings cogwheel, and click on "License Management":

On this screen, you will notice it shows you how many endpoints are covered under the entitlement and the validity period:

Notice there is an option on the top-right portion of the screen to "Upload License". 

If you have more license seats, each .slf file will be uploaded and will add to your current license count to add to your current entitlement for license management.



If you have not entered a license number, there is a 90-Day period where you can use the software.
Within that time period, you should enter the license file to continue to use the Symantec Endpoint Encryption Software.

If the above message is shown, the only action available is to upload the license.  No further functionality will be available until a license number has been entered.

Best Practice is to enter the license number as soon as you install.  We don't recommend waiting until the above screen takes place.

The license number days start from the time of renewal, not necessarily the day you upload the license number.  This will be reflected in the UI as discussed above.


For further guidance on licensing the SEE Management Server, reach out to Symantec Encryption Support.

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