MSP Addin disabled / inactive - known issues for Clarity
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MSP Addin disabled / inactive - known issues for Clarity


Article ID: 199651


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Known causes of the Clarity Microsoft Project (MSP) CA PPM Integration addin being disabled / inactive / missing on a workstation

Symptoms reported may include:

  • The CA PPM Interface Addin keeps getting disabled, and it has to be re-enabled each time Microsoft Project (MSP) is opened.
  • 'caclarityaddin' gets unloaded / ribbon is gone every time MSP is launched/Integration tag not available
  • CA PPM Integration tab does not display
  • Add-in is always deactivated every time you open MSP. 
  • When trying to open a project from Clarity to MSP, an error is shown: SchedLink: An error occurred while opening CA PPM Project in Microsoft Project. Please try again.

For this issue, the CA PPM Integration tab (highlighted in the screenshot below), is not visible in MSP.


Disabled or Inactive Addin

Inactive Addin

Addin is not inactive or disabled (but the tab is still missing)

Additional Information