This is a hub article that provides an index of relevant knowledge articles available for the Gen 8.6 Windows CSE.
Articles relevant to all supported databases Oracle and SQL Server are included.
Gen 8.6 Windows Client/Server Encyclopedia (CSE)
How to upgrade a Gen Windows CSE to Gen 8.6
How to move Gen Windows CSE to new server (no Gen upgrade)
Using Gen 8.6 Windows CSE with a remote database
Gen Windows Oracle CSE Configuration with a 64-bit Oracle Database
Gen 8.6 CSE configuration for remote SQL Server database
Gen Client Server Encyclopedia (CSE) using SQL Server named instance
Gen CSE performance and the Object Cache parameter
Gen CSE "NLS_LANG characterset must match NLS_CHARACTERSET"
Gen Windows/Oracle CSE only starts one server process srvlock.exe
Error 1075 starting Gen Windows CSE service (remote database)
Gen CSE Configuration "Error 1 while running Oracle connectonly.sql" (ORA-12560)
Gen 8.x Oracle Windows CSE Configuration fails with initdir.exe crash
Gen CSE configuration on Windows/SQL Server gives "Error -1"
Useful migration articles:
Gen Host Encyclopedia to Client Server Encyclopedia (CSE) requirements
Moving models from a Gen Host Encyclopedia to a CSE
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