Migrating the Gen Encyclopedia from a Gen Host Encyclopedia to a Client Server Encyclopedia (CSE) and would like to know the required Gen features/components to be able to do that.
The list of licensed Gen components needed to implement a new CSE and use it to generate Gen applications is as follows:
1. CSE:
a. CSE Server (model development operations).
b. CSE Construction Server to generate any application code from the models.
c. A specific CSE generation/cross-generation option for the application target OS platform.
d. The Gen Encyclopedia client programs are required to access the CSE.
2. Implementation Toolset:
The CSE has a generation capability but no build capability like Host Encyclopedia Construction does.
Therefore building the generated code from the CSE requires using a Gen Implementation Toolset (IT) for the application target OS platform.
If applications will remain on z/OS then a z/OS IT is required.
Otherwise, if applications will also be moved to a new OS platform and Programming Language/DBMS then the corresponding Gen Implementation Toolset (IT) for that platform will be requoted to build them.
NOTE: If the target platform is Java e.g. Gen Java servers or EJBs, then a Gen Windows IT is required.
NOTE: All license costs should be discussed with the Broadcom account team.
The supported OS platforms for the CSE with its database are documented under the section "CSE & Host Encyclopedia" of this Gen 8.6 doc. page: Gen™ 8.6 > Technical Requirements > Development Platform Environments
This Gen 8.6 page gives a good summary of the CSE architecture: Gen™ 8.6 > Encyclopedia > Client Server Encyclopedia > Use the Client Server Encyclopedia
Just a note that typically at CSE configuration time, because the Coordination Server database is very small, its tables are usually chosen to be installed into the same physical database as the Encyclopedia Server.
The process of copying models from the existing HE to the new CSE while retaining the ancestry can be done using the download/extract process where the resulting child model created on the CSE needs to be copied to create a normal parent model. This KB article covers it: Moving from Gen Host Encyclopedia to CSE