User Administrator guide for the Broadcom support portal
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User Administrator guide for the Broadcom support portal


Article ID: 142905


Updated On: 10-01-2024


Support Portal Licensing - Symantec Products Licensing-CA VMware


Learn how User Administrators can manage user permissions on the Broadcom Support Portal.


The User Administrator/Site Administrator takes on the responsibilities of approving, updating, and revoking access for users at a specific Support Site ID (Site ID). Requests for access to a site will be routed to the User Administrator instead of to Broadcom Customer Care.

Once you become a user administrator, follow the steps in this article to manage user permissions. If a Site Administrator is not assigned to an end-user's Site ID, all access and role requests will be processed by Broadcom Customer Care.

Note: Broadcom recommends end-users have at least one Site Administrator assigned to each of their organization's Support Site IDs, which provides them with additional self-service capabilities outlined in this article.


Administrator roles

User Administrator and Product Administrator roles in the Broadcom support portal are assigned at the Site ID level and provides the customer with the following capabilities:

User Administrator

Product Administrator

  • Approve / reject site access requests.

  • Approve / reject portal role requests (i.e. User Administrator, Product Administrator).

  • Invite users to Site IDs they are administrators for.

    Note: The invited end user is required to have a pre-existing Broadcom Enterprise profile.

  • Manage users access to support portal services including license key access, software downloads and case management capabilities.

  • (VMware Only) Ability to access and manage all the Licensing folders under the Site ID to manage license keys and users.
  • Access to the Fulfillment Dashboard, which provide additional visibility and self-service capabilities surrounding the provisioning progress and enablement of products (create/release tenant holds for supported SaaS Products).

  • Access to the Portfolio License Agreement (PLA) Portal where users can create new SaaS instances, generate license keys, download products, collect usage data, and access usage reporting.

  • (VMware Only) Ability to access and manage all the Licensing folders under the site ID to manage license keys and users.

Learn more about Fulfillment Dashboard Access

Request the User Administrator Role

Request the Product Administrator Role


Processing a pending request as a User Administrator

User Administrators can process pending registration / Site ID access requests on the Broadcom support portal.

Managing Site ID permissions for a user as a User Administrator

User Administrators can manage Site ID permissions for users.

Audit reporting

User Administrators can view the list of all approvals/rejections and addition/revoke site access requests.

Inviting an Enterprise user to a Site ID

User Administrators can invite an Enterprise user to a Site ID.

Note: The invited end-user is required to have a pre-existing Broadcom Enterprise profile.

Removing your own User Administrator access

When you no longer need User Administrator access, or you want to replace yourself with another user administrator, refer to Procedure for User Administrators to Update Their Own or Others' Access in the Support portal


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I should be the User or Product Administrator, but I am not designated as such – why?

A. Effective 08/29/2024 In the event, a particular site ID has no users registered. When the first site access request to this site ID is APPROVED, that user will also have the User & Product Administrator roles applied to their profile.
     If user already has the site ID access, to request additional roles refer to Request the User Administrator Role and Request the Product Administrator Role

Q. Who approves User and Product Administrator roles?

A. If a User Administrator is not assigned to the Support Site ID, all access and role requests will be processed by Broadcom Customer Care. Once a user becomes the User Administrator, they take on the responsibilities,

Q. Can a site have multiple User and Product Administrators?

A. Yes, Multiple User and Product Administrators can exist for a Site ID. 

Q. Can the User Administrator assign this role to other users?

A. Yes, User Administrators can assign the User Administrator and Product Administrator roles to other users registered under their Site ID.

See Manage user permissions and Site ID access as a User Administrator.

Q. Can the same person have both User and Product Administrator roles?

A. Yes, users can have both User Administrator and Product Administrator roles.

Q. Can I change the User Administrator if that person has left the company? 

A. Yes, User Administrators can manage access for other users for their Site ID. If you do not have User Administrator rights, contact Broadcom Customer Care.

Q. Can we use our Generic/Group/Team DL/PDL email ID to request access as a User and Product Administrator?

A. Due to Broadcom’s focus on providing high security to our customers, we cannot accept distribution list (DL/PDL) or group email addresses.

⚠️ Note: Use of a shared email account or distribution list (PDL) is a security risk, and a violation of the Terms of Use for the Broadcom support portal.


Additional Information

Should you need any further assistance, contact Broadcom Customer Care