Enforce Quick Install Guide for Windows
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Enforce Quick Install Guide for Windows


Article ID: 270081


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This is a Quick Install guide for the Data Loss Prevention Enforce Server

For the full "DLP Quick Install Guides" please visit the following link: DLP Quick Install Guides




The Enforce Server is a core component required for Data Loss Prevention.


Please note that the following instructions are version agnostic, and can generally be used on any currently supported version. As such you will find several variables denoted such as "<DLPversion>" to indicate where a version number "should" be used. You will need to replace these variables with the appropriate version that you are attempting to use. Below are a few examples of such translations...

<DLPversion>  = 15.8, 16.0, 16.0.1 or 16.0.2
<DLPfullversion>  = 16.0.10000.60631
<ORACLEversion>  = 193000 or
<JREversion> = jdk8u322-b06 or 8u322b06

Note: Username and Passwords provided below are for example only, choose your own values to match your company requirements.

Download Installers: https://support.broadcom.com/group/ecx/productdownloads?subfamily=Data%20Loss%20Prevention
DLP Platform Installer: Symantec_DLP_<DLPversion> _Platform_Win-IN_<DLPfullversion> .zip
Oracle Client Installer: WINDOWS.X64_<ORACLEversion> _client.zip
     ** The Oracle Client MUST be installed if Oracle is not installed locally on the Enforce Server.

Install Java:
     Java AdoptOpenJRE Quick Install Guide for Windows

Install the Oracle 19c Client:
     Oracle 19c Client Quick install Guide for Windows

Create the Environment Variables:
     Creating Environment Variables Quick Install Guide for Windows

Open Firewall Ports:
     Quick Configuration Guide for Windows Firewall



Install the Enforce Server:
   1  - Extract the "Symantec_DLP_<version>_Platform_Win-IN_<full version>.zip" to any location, in this case we simply extracted to the desktop
   2  - Run the "EnforceServer.msi"
          C:\Symantec_DLP_<DLPversion> _Platform_Win-IN_<DLPfullversion> \Symantec_DLP_<DLPversion> _Platform_Win-IN_<DLPfullversion> \DLP\<DLPversion> \New_Installs\Release\EnforceServer.msi
    3 - You should use the default paths unless there is a specific need to modify the path.
     - If you do modify the path, we recommend only modifying the drive, and leaving the normal path structure.

    4 - This path specifies the ProgramData pathing for DLP.


5 - Jre Directory: Specify the path to the JRE file, include the JRE file name.
    6 - FIPS should never be used unless you have a specific requirement for FIPS.

7 -Service User: Select the appropriate option.
   8 - 

     Username: SymantecDLP
     Password: <YourPassword>

 9 -  Enter the correct values for your installation.    

     Host: This should be the hostname, or IP address for the Oracle Server (You should be consistent about which one you use)
     Port: 1521 (default)
     Servicename: protect, ** For the Oracle Database as created during the Oracle Installation
     Username: protect, ** Oracle "protect" user account for the DLP Oracle Database as created during the Oracle Installation
     Password: protect, ** Password for the Oracle "protect" user account for DLP as created during the Oracle Installation

10 - This CREATES the password used to login to the Default Administrator account for the Enforce Console

    Password: <YOUR PASSWORD>

    11 - For Dev or QA labs, or very small production systems,  you can use the "Database" option here, but for a production environment we encourage the use of "External Storage".
     - This will help keep the database size smaller resulting in faster and easier backups, restorations and migrations.


12 - Additional Local: Defines an additional locale for use by individual users. Locale controls the format of numbers and dates, and how lists and reports are alphabetically sorted.

       The default choice of "None" sets the Locale to English.
    13 - Click "Install" to proceed with the Enforce Server Installation

14- Access the DLP Web Interface:
     ** Note: This may take several minutes for the services to come fully online for the first time
     - Open a browser on the Enforce Server and go to the following URL
          - Note that "localhost" can be replaced by your Enforce Hostname or IP Address.
     - The default user is "Administrator", use the password previously specified during the Enforce Installation process.
          Username: Administrator
          Password: <YOUR PASSWORD>

15 - Add your DLP Licenses:
     - Open the Enforce User Interface
          System > Settings > General
     - Click "Configure"
     - Click "Browse" to browse to your license file
     - Once the license has been entered be sure to restart your services to make sure the new license takes effect.

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