DLP Solution Pack Quick Install Guide
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DLP Solution Pack Quick Install Guide


Article ID: 270303


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Data Loss Prevention Core Package Data Loss Prevention Enforce Data Loss Prevention Enterprise Suite Data Loss Prevention Plus Suite


This is a Quick Solution Pack Import Guide for the Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Agent.

For the full "DLP Quick Install Guide" please visit the following link: DLP Quick Install Guides




What is a Solution Pack: A solution pack contains configured policies, response rules, user roles, reports, protocols, and the incident statuses that support a particular industry or organization.


Please note that the following instructions are version agnostic, and can generally be used on any currently supported version. As such you will find several variables denoted such as "<DLPversion>" to indicate where a version number "should" be used. You will need to replace these variables with the appropriate version that you are attempting to use. Below are a few examples of such translations...

<DLPversion>  = 15.8, 16.0, 16.0.1 or 16.0.2
<DLPfullversion>  = 16.0.10000.60631
<ORACLEversion>  = 193000 or
<JREversion> = jdk8u322-b06 or 8u322b06


Note: Solution Packs MUST be installed before any Detection Server or Policy is created/added.
Note: Only ONE Solution Pack can be imported. Do NOT attempt to import multiple solution packs.

Download Installers: https://support.broadcom.com/group/ecx/productdownloads?subfamily=Data%20Loss%20Prevention
Solution Pack: Symantec_DLP_<DLPversion>_Solution_Packs.zip

Unzip the Solution Packs:
     - Can be unzipped anywhere, in this case we chose the following path...
          Windows: C:\DLP Installers\Solution Packs\<DLPversion>\
  Linux: /DLPInstallers/Solution_Packs

Import the Solution Pack:
    1 - Stop the SymantecDLPManagerService
    2 - <Windows> Open CMD (Administrator)
    3 - Change Directory to the DLP \bin directory
          Windows: cd "C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\EnforceServer\<DLPversion>\Protect\bin"

          Linux: cd /opt/Symantec/DataLossPrevention/EnforceServer/<DLPversion>/Protect/bin

    4 - Run the import command
          Windows: SolutionPackInstaller.exe import "C:\DLP Installers|Solution Packs\<DLPversion>\Financial_<DLPversion>.vsp"
          Note: We selected the Financial Solution Pack in this case, keep in mind that you can ONLY select ONE Solution Pack.

          Linux: ./SolutionPackInstaller import "/DLPInstallers/Solution_Packs/Financial_v<DLPversion>.vsp"
          Note: We selected the Financial Solution Pack in this case, keep in mind that you can ONLY select ONE Solution Pack.

        5  - Once complete, please look for the message confirming the import was successful.

        6  - Restart the SymantecDLPManagerService.
        7  - Now when you check your Policies, you should see a list of Financially related policies.

Additional Information

Proceed with the Windows Detection Server installation using the following link:
     Proceed with installing a Detection Server

Proceed with the Linux Detection Server installation using the following link:
     Proceed with installing a Detection Server