Oracle 19c Client Quick install Guide for Windows
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Oracle 19c Client Quick install Guide for Windows


Article ID: 270053


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Installing the Oracle 19c Client on the Enforce Server
- This is a required pre-requisite for installing or upgrading the Enforce Server.

For the full "DLP Quick Install Guide" please visit the following link: DLP Quick Install Guide




The Oracle Client is a pre-requisite for installing or upgrading the Enforce Server


Please note that the following instructions are version agnostic, and can generally be used on any currently supported version. As such you will find several variables denoted such as "<DLPversion>" to indicate where a version number "should" be used. You will need to replace these variables with the appropriate version that you are attempting to use. Below are a few examples of such translations...

<DLPversion>  = 15.8, 16.0, 16.0.1 or 16.0.2
<DLPfullversion>  = 16.0.10000.60631
<ORACLEversion>  = 193000 or
<JREversion> = jdk8u322-b06 or 8u322b06


Download the Oracle 19c Client Installer:
Oracle 19c Client Installer Filename: WINDOWS.X64_<ORACLEversion>
     ** The Oracle Client MUST be installed on the Enforce Server, if the Oracle Database is not installed locally on the Enforce Server.

Run the Oracle 19c Client Installer:
     - Extract the Oracle Client files from the "WINDOWS.X64_<ORACLEversion>"
     - Double-click the "setup.exe" to run the Oracle Client Installer.
     - Select the "Custom" installation option
     - Note: The "Administrator" installation type will also include all necessary components

     - Use the Windows Built-in account

     Oracle Base: C:\Oracle\client\
          Base: The Oracle root directory
     Oracle Home: C:\Oracle\client\product\<ORACLEversion>\client_1
          Home: The product installation location
     ** Make sure both the Oracle Base and Oracle Home are correct before proceeding.

     The following items are required:
          - Oracle Database Utilities
          - SQL *Plus
          - Oracle Net

     - Review the data to make sure it is correct, then click on "Install"


Copy the TNSnames.ora file from the Oracle Server onto the Enforce (Oracle Client) Server
     Oracle: C:\oracle\product\<ORACLEversion>\db1\network\admin
     Enforce: C:\oracle\client\product\<ORACLEversion>\client_1\network\admin

Confirm that the Oracle Client can communicate with the Oracle Server
     - Open CMD (Administrator)
          tnsping protect
          ** This should return an "OK" status

Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable
     Creating Environment Variables Quick Install Guide