You have Microsoft Project (MSP) Sync'd to Prod, but you want to test MSP integration for Dev, and would like recommendations on how to approach that. What's the best way to re-align the Clarity MSP Interface to dev for testing?
Uninstall any previous components of the MSP Interface prior to installing the new version to avoid any install or post-install issues.
Review the getting started with the new Driver KB Getting Started with the MSP New Driver with Clarity for additional tips/best practices. Even if you have been using the new driver already, it’s still helpful as far as steps 1, 2, 3, and 7
There can also be issues when exporting the same project ID from one environment (Prod) and then also from (Dev) on the same workstation, so if there is an issue opening/saving a project, try clearing the file from the workstation as per the following KB: MSP: Troubleshooting for one project on one Machine