Error: "Unable to initialize embedded module for Gantt"
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Error: "Unable to initialize embedded module for Gantt"


Article ID: 98869


Updated On: 10-10-2023


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Receiving the below error when opening a project's Gantt  (may be noticed specifically after upgrading Clarity).

Unable to initialize embedded module for Gantt. 
Use the Refresh icon to complete the module initialization


All Supported releases


Browser Cache and Clarity Server Cache contain items from previous version that may need to be cleared out/removed.


Step 1: Clear Browser Cache

For steps, see: Clarity: Clear cache / restart services for "Error 500" and other issues

If the issue persists or is happening for multiple users, proceed to the below step:

Step 2: Clear Clarity Cache

For steps, see: Flush Clarity server cache

Additional Information

See also KB: Gantt error: "Unable to initialize embedded module for Gantt" regarding a separate issue if the above does not help. .