Gantt error: "Unable to initialize embedded module for Gantt"
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Gantt error: "Unable to initialize embedded module for Gantt"


Article ID: 145346


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Intermittent pop-up error message: "Unable to initialize embedded module for Gantt. Use the refresh icon to complete the module initialization." generated when navigating to the Clarity Gantt or clicking on the Print icon in the Gantt.


Scenario 1

  1. Open Project properties from Project List
  2. Click on Open in Scheduler -> PPM Gantt

Scenario 2

  1. In the project list go to Configure and add Gantt to the list of columns
  2. Click Gantt icon from Project List or from My Projects portlet

Scenario 3

  1. Open Project in New UX
  2. Click Tasks
  3. Open Gantt from Actions Menu  

Scenario 4

  1. In the Classic Clarity Project list go to Configure and add Gantt to the list of columns
  2. Click Gantt icon from Project List or from My Projects portlet
  3. Click on the Print Icon in the Gantt

Expected Results: PPM Gantt should open without any pop-up messages
Actual Results: PPM Gantt pop-up message comes up very often


Release : 15.6.1, 15.7, 15.7.1, 15.8, 15.8.1, 15.9


This is caused by: DE53329


DE53329 is fixed in 15.9.1.


  1. Close the Gantt window and retry opening the Gantt (or Gantt print page if issue is happening there)
    • Note: this may need to be done multiple times for the Gantt to open successfully.
  2. Additionally, the steps in KB Error Unable to initialize embedded module for Gantt may help in temporarily alleviating the symptoms