This cumulative point fix article contains fixes for SMP (Symantec Management Platform) and other Solutions for issues resolved for customers with ITMS 8.7.3 until the next ITMS version is released/installed.
ITMS 8.7.3
SMP/SMA (Symantec Management Platform/Symantec Management Agent) Fixes:
Patch Reports using not expected parameters for drill-down sub-reports |
Adding Windows Server 2025 Client Support | |
ITMS 8.7.2 SWM plugin not upgrading to 8.7.3 version. |
Plugin install/uninstall/upgrade rules updated to check registry content (same way as basic inventory). |
"Remote PS logs warning 'Failed to set security ...'" warning messages like: "11/26/2024 9:53:36 AM","Failed to set security for 'C:\SMA custom location\Altiris Agent\Package Delivery
Fixed issue for paths longer than 255 characters - security configuration fails for those. |
When running an ADImport import on User tasks, the numbers sometimes change in large values in the RM_ResourceUser table |
Change added: After AD Import using custom resource keys check box in AD Import rule, now imported domain users shown as domain\username instead of previous display name. |
Hierachy Replication: some dataclasses not replicated if exceed ReplicationMaxDataRows core setting max value |
Importing Microsoft Entra groups creates additional users |
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Install instructions are included in the Readme.pdf inside this attachment.
TS (Task Server) Fixes:
SMF (Software Management Framework) Fixes:
Legacy encryption is not supported |
Fixed issue with Job within Quick Delivery task is failing running under specific user in "Run As". Task failure result on SMP server side: An unknown exception was thrown on server side. System.Exception: Unable to get item {fe1a0967-952b-4b5d-a0cd-aed07a4dbe1a} ---> Altiris.NS.Exceptions.NSComException: Legacy encryption is not supported. |
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Install instructions are included in the Readme.pdf inside this attachment.
INV (Inventory Solution) Fixes:
SWM (Software Management Solution) Fixes:
'Software Portal must be accessed via the desktop link' message in Software Portal for logged in Domain user | Fixed issue that denied the following: It MUST be possible (by design limitation ) for the same user to copy and use software portal link on another machine as well (to rollout software to the same machine) for 1 hour |
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Install instructions are included in the Readme.pdf inside this attachment.
Patch (Patch Management Solution) Fixes:
DS (Deployment Solution) Fixes:
ULM (Unix/Linux/Mac) Fixes:
Installing Palo Alto Global Protect on Ubuntu client - halts SMA to communication | Altiris Agent on Ubuntu stops working when GlobalProtect is installed. KB 383027 |
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Install instructions are included in the Readme.pdf inside this attachment.
WF (Workflow Solution) Fixes: