- DX Platform to ServiceNow integration is not working: how to recreate the NIM to ServiceNow configuration
- We are not using the Default ServiceNow field mapping: how to update the NIM to ServiceNow configuration
DX Operational Intelligence 1.3.x, 20.x
DX Application Performance Management 11.x, 20.x
Openshift 3.11+
1) Create a NIM route, fo example in Openshift
Open Openshift console
Click Applications > Routes
Create Route
Name = nim
Hostname = nim.<fqdn hostname of router>
Service = doi-nim
Target Port = 8080-8080
-Click Create
2) If required, update your DNS or server hosts files with the above new route endpoint
In windows: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
In unix:/etc/hosts
3) Login to Nim UI
http(s)://nim.<fqdn hostname of router>/ca-nim-sm/ui/login.jsp
For example:
http://<your nim routers>/ca-nim-sm/ui/login.jsp
username=nimadmin ; password=nimadmin
DX AIOps - ServiceNow Integration Troubleshooting
DX AIOps - Nim Troubleshooting
DX AIOps- How to manually recreate a tenant configuration in NIM UI?