How to enable and access the Protection Engine 8.x Java console
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How to enable and access the Protection Engine 8.x Java console


Article ID: 165237


Updated On: 09-06-2023


Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection Engine for NAS


A local user interface is needed to manage the Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) install. The console is not accessible and steps are needed to enable it.


SPE 8.x


Prerequisites for accessing the SPE console

  • JavaUI option need to be selected while installing SPE

  • A compatible version of the Oracle Java Runtime Environment must be installed on the SPE server. For details about version compatibility, see the Symantec Protection Engine Java support matrix
  • The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) must be accessible to SPE via an environment path variable.
  • The console must be accessed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or later, and the IE registry settings must be set to allow the console frames to load.
  • The website must be added to the trusted sites list in the Internet explorer configuration to allow the Java applet to load


To add the JRE to the Windows Path variables

Note: This path should normally be added by the JRE installer, the following steps are necessary only if the JRE installer has failed to add the path to the Windows environment variables

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel
  2. Select System to open the System Properties
  3. Select Advanced system settings
  4. Select Environment Variables...
  5. In the System variables pane, locate the PATH variable
  6. Select Edit
  7. In the "Variable value:" field, ensure the path to the Oracle JRE is entered. For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath. 
  8. If the path is not entered, or the value is incorrect, enter the path to the Oracle JRE and click OK

To allow Internet Explorer 11 64-bit to load the console frames

  1. Open the registry editor (Start -> Run, regedit)
  2. In the regsitry editor, browse to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN
  3. Create a new DWORD value, and name it TabProcGrowth, case sensitive.
    Note: In some environments, there may already be a String value called TabProcGrowth. The DWORD value is still necessary even if the String value already exists.
  4. Leave the default Data Value of 0.

    In some environments, a reboot is required for this change to take effect.

To add the console website to the trusted sites list

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Press the ALT key to reveal the menu bar.
  3. Open the Tools menu, and select Internet Options.
  4. Select the Security tab.
  5. Select the Trusted sites icon.
  6. Click on the Sites button.
  7. In the "Add this website to the zone" box, enter https://<FQDN of SPE server>:8004 and click Add.

To access the console

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Navigate to https://<FQDN of SPE server>:8004
  3. If the SPE server is using the default self-signed certificate, an Internet Explorer warning will pop up indicating that the security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority. Click Continue to this website.
  4. If the SPE server is using the default self-signed certificate, a Java security warning will pop up indicating "The connection this website is untrusted". Click Continue.
  5. If it has not already been loaded, a Java security warning will pop up asking "Do you want to run this application?". If desired, select "Do not show this again for apps from the publisher and location above" and select Run.
  6. The login screen for SPE will now load.
  7. If Symantec Protection Engine-based authentication was selected, Enter the Login Name and Password specified during SPE installation if Symantec Protection Engine-based authentication is enabled. If Active Directory authentication was selected, enter the AD user name and password of a user that is a member of the Protection Engine administrators group in AD.


Additional Information

Wrong version? To enable the Java UI on SPE version 9.0.x, please see: 


For instructions to install the Console component of SPE 9.x, see the Help topic "Installing the Protection Engine console", here: 


To enable the Java based UI after install


On Linux bash prompt

  1. To navigate to the default installation folder for SPE, type:
    cd /opt/SYMCScan/bin

  2. To check the current value, type:
    grep "EnableJavaUI"

  3. To enable the JavaUI using xmlmodifier, type:
    xmlmodifier -s /configuration/Resources/System/EnableJavaUI/@value true configuration.xml

  4. To stop the service, type:
    /etc/init.d/symcscan stop

  5. To start the service, type:
    /etc/init.d/symcscan start



If the console takes a long time to load, or fails to load after a long period loading, and the server does not have internet access or the CRL and OCSP protocols are blocked, see Protection Engine console is not accessible and displays only a blank white page

If the Java security prompt "Do you want to run this application?" fails to display, but the console does not load, see Restore security prompts by clearing previously remembered security decisions

Unable to access Protection Engine Java console even with supported Java version installed