When you install Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) 9.0 for Cloud Services or Network Attach Storage (SPECS or SPE-NAS) you find that you are not able to load the Java-based web interface hosted on port 8004 by default.
NOTE: This is the legacy browser console method that was used in versions of SPE prior to 9.x. Although the following steps may work to connect to a SPE 9 server you should download and install the Symantec Protection Engine 9.x x64 Console available in the download portal in the same section as Protection Engine was downloaded from.
The Java-based UI is disabled by default in SPE 9.0.
In SPE 9.1.0, the Java-based UI is entirely replaced by the .NET Framework application console. For more details, see the Release Notes
sudo su
<install dir>/bin
directory (change <install dir>
if you customized the install location):
cd /opt/SYMCScan/bin
./xmlmodifier -s /configuration/Resources/System/EnableJavaUI/@value true configuration.xml
/etc/init.d/symcscan restart
<install dir>
directory (change <install dir>
if you customized the install location):
cd "C:\Program Files\Symantec\Scan Engine"
.\xmlmodifier.exe -s /configuration/Resources/System/EnableJavaUI/@value true configuration.xml
net stop symcscan
net start symcscan
Note: It must be a DWORD. Any other data type (such as string) will not work. If it already exists as a String, it must be removed and recreated as a DWORD.