Resetting the admin@local password in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle (vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager)
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Resetting the admin@local password in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle (vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager)


Article ID: 314669


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


This article provides steps to reset:

  • The admin@local in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle (formerly known as vRealize Suite Lifecycle 8.x)
  • The admin@locahost in vRealize Suitle Lifecycle 1.x/2.x.


VMware vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 2.x
VMware vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 1.x
VMware vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 8.x


In VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle (vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager) 8.18.x to reset the forgotten admin@local password:

  1. Log in to vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 8.18.x Appliance as root via SSH or Console.
  2. Run the below command:
  3. Provide a new admin@local password and confirm it.

In VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle (vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager) 8.17.x and below to reset the forgotten admin@local password:

    1. Log in to vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 8.17.x Appliance as root via SSH or Console.
    2. Run the below command and make a backup of the vami-vlcm-passwd-reset script:
      cp /opt/vmware/share/vami/vami-vlcm-passwd-reset /opt/vmware/share/vami/vami-vlcm-passwd-reset.bak
    3. Next edit the script by running command: "vi /opt/vmware/share/vami/vami-vlcm-passwd-reset"
    4. Update line #!/usr/bin/python to #!/usr/bin/python3 then save 
    5. After saving the update run the command: ./opt/vmware/share/vami/vami-vlcm-passwd-reset
    6. Provide a new admin@local password and confirm it.

In vRealize Suite LifeCycle Manager 1.x & 2.0 to reset the forgotten admin@localhost password:

  1. Log in to vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 1.x / 2.0 Appliance as root via SSH or Console.
  2. Run the below command:
  3. Provide a new admin@localhost password and confirm it
For a vRSLCM Instance deployed in a VCF Environment, please use the attached vami-vlcm-passwd-reset_vcf script instead.

Additional Information

Main article:   

Child articles:

  • Viewing passwords stored in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle (vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager) Locker KB 92247
  • ​​Validating what passwords are being used per product in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle (vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager) KB 92250
  • Remediating passwords updated outside of VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle (vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager) KB 92253
  • Resetting VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle root password  KB 52431
  • Resetting admin@local password for VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle  KB 52434
  • Changing password KBs:
    Product Password KB

    VMware Aria Automation (vRealize Automation)

    VMware Aria Automation Config

    (Salt Stack Config)

    VMware Aria Automation  Orchestrator

    (vRealize Orchestrator)

    root KB 92254

     VMware Aria Operations

    (vRealize Operations)


    KB 92255

    VMware Aria Operations for Logs

    (vRealize Log Insight)

    KB 92256

    VMware Aria Operations for Networks

    (vRealize Network Insight)

    console user
    KB 92257

    Aria Suite Lifecycle appliance

    (vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager)

    Step 5 on KB92245

    Workspace ONE Access

    (VMware Identity Manager)

    admin (8443)
    KB 92258


vami-vlcm-passwd-reset-vcf get_app