This article examines areas to check when troubleshooting network connectivity issues.
VMware NSX
Network connectivity issue can occur for many different reasons. This article looks at some of the areas to review and troubleshoot.
net-dvs - l | less
net-stats -l
--> check the dvsportset -l | grep -ivE "vmnic|vmk|PortNum" | awk '{print $6"," $1 ","$4}' | while read set; do portID=`echo $set|cut -d\, -f2`; portset=`echo $set|cut -d\, -f3`; vmname=`echo $set|cut -d\, -f1`; echo $vmname; vsish -e cat /net/portsets/$portset/ports/$portID/vmxnet3/rxSummary; done | less
vmkping ++netstac
k=vxlan -I vmkX (X = vmk number of source TEP) <remote TEP IP> -d -s <packet size>
If you are contacting Broadcom support about this issue, please provide the following:
Handling Log Bundles for offline review with Broadcom support
Known issues