com.vmware.vswitch.port.swsec.discovery.vmtools = 0x 1. 0
propType = POLICY = 0ab4b507-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-7040cb0c6b34 , propType = RUNTIME = nsx.LogicalSwitch , propType = RUNTIME
com.vmware.vswitch.port.swsec.enabled = true , propType = POL
2024-12-01T20:12:40.674Z cpu56:9634951)swsec: SwSecPortPropDiscoveryVmToolsWrite:489: [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-esx" subcomp="swsec-23786738"]Prop write on port 0x800xxxx, len: 2
2024-12-01T20:12:40.674Z cpu56:9634951)WARNING: swsec: SwSecPortPropDiscoveryVmToolsWrite:507: [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-esx" subcomp="swsec-23786738"]SwSec filter not found for port 0x800xxxx
2024-12-01T20:12:40.674Z cpu56:9634951)WARNING: NetPort: 1551: failed to enable port, portID: 0x800xxxx, status: Not found
VMware NSX 4.1.1 and later
VMware NSX-T Datacenter 3.x
property is new to VMware NSX 4.1.1 and is not present in earlier versions.The following sequence of events scenario can lead to this issue;
This is a known issue impacting VMware NSX and will be fixed in a future version.
The documentation for NSX "In-place" upgrades can be found here, at Step 5; "Configuring and Upgrading Hosts".
For additional information see Troubleshooting NSX Network Connectivity Issues.