Parameterized lookups troubleshooting
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Parameterized lookups troubleshooting


Article ID: 226818


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Provides tips on troubleshooting with parameterized lookups


Check the app-ca.logs

Check for any errors or warnings logged at the time the issue was reproduced. See steps to retrieve the logs at Access the app-ca.log or other Clarity Logs

Enable Developer Tools

Reviewing the har file can help in identifying a cause or additional error. See steps at Browser trace in Chrome and IE for troubleshooting Clarity issues.

Check the list of known issues 

Review KB: Lookups master KB for Clarity (particularly those that reference parameterized lookups in the title)

If Broadcom help is needed

  1. Is it happening in Modern UX, Classic, or both (Parameterized lookups are supported in the Modern UX starting in 15.7)
  2. What are the symptoms you are seeing?
    • Are values missing?
    • Do you get an error (if so, what error) 
    • Any other symptoms?
  3. Copy of app-ca.logs
  4. Developer tools har file
  5. Is it a custom lookup? If so, please provide the query used.

Tips on creating parameterized lookups