UIM database migration to a new server
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UIM database migration to a new server


Article ID: 45370


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


What is the procedure when moving the UIM database to another server?


  • UIM server version 20.x and higher



  • Guidance


When migrating the UIM Database to another server, the best practice is to use the same user id and password configured in the data_engine probe.

If a new password is created for the user, ensure that the password does not include special characters as, semicolon (;), ampersand, (&) or double quotes, (") to avoid CABI jdbc connectivity issues with the database.

Step for Primary Hub

1. Log in to Admin Console.

2. Deactivate any probes that directly access the DX UIM  database, these probes include:

  • ace (The ace probe was deprecated in 20.3.3.)
  • alarm_enrichment
  • baseline_engine
  • data_engine
  • discovery_server
  • maintenance_mode
  • nas
  • nis_server
  • prediction_engine
  • sla_engine
  • udm_manager
  • trellis
3. Work with your DBA to backup, move, and restore the UIM database to the new server.
4. Open the data_engine probe configuration GUI, and select the Database Configuration folder.
5. Change the Data Source, User ID, and password to match the new database settings.
6. Update alarm enrichment configuration if alarm_enrichment is enabled. 

   a. Launch IM and select the nas probe
   b. Open Raw Configure
   c. Expand the enrichment-source section
   d. Expand the cdmbs section
   e  Select each active cmdbs and update the connection_url key with new database server properties. Update user and password keys if they were changed.

7. Activate the data_engine, and then any other probes that you deactivated or restart the robot. Validate that all probes start up fine.

8. Confirm that new alarms are being enriched per alarm enrichment settings in Infrastructure Manager or OC

9. Confirm that Primary hub queues are not backed up - Open the hub probe configuration GUI, select the Status folder, and validate the number of messages in the Queued column fluctuates.

Steps for CABI robot

1. Deactivate wasp and cabi probe 
2. Backup the X:\Nimsoft\probes\service\wasp\webapps\cabijs\META-INF\context.xml file3. Update the context.xml url parameter with the new database server properties. Update the password and user parameters if they were changed, save the changes.

Note: Make sure that the password does not include special characters as, semicolon (;), ampersand, (&) or double quotes, (") to avoid CABI jdbc connectivity issues with the database

3.  Activate wasp and cabi probe
4.  After cabi and wasp are active, login to cabi directly using superuser with superuser (default) as the password 


5. On the Home page click on Data Sources

6. The UIM Datasource and UIM JNDI Datasource will display

7. Hover the mouse over the UIM Datasource, right-click and select edit. 
Update the values with the new SQL Server properties, Click on Test Connection to validate connectivity and then Save changes

8. Hover the mouse over the  UIM JNDI Datasource, right click and select edit. 
Click on Test Connection to validate connectivity and click on Cancel

9. Click on the Home Page, Select Dashboards and confirm that UIM Summary Saas and UIM Summary Dashboards display data

Steps for OC robot

1. Deactivate/Activate the wasp probe
2. Lon on to OC
a. Select Alarms View and validate the new alarms are displayed
b  Select a device from inventory and validate the Device Details shows current Metrics
c. Select Reports and validate that CABI Reports are displayed.

Step for HA hub 

1. Temporarily stop the data_engine probe on the Primary hub
2. Activate the data_engine probe on the HA hub
3. Open the data_engine probe configuration GUI on the HA hub, select the Database Configuration folder.
Note: If the probe fails to connect to the database (this is expected), select the Ignore button to launch the data_engine Configure GUI.
4. Change the Data Source, User ID, and password to match the new database settings.
5. Deactivate/Activate the data_engine probe on the HA hub and validate that data_engine starts up fine.
6. Deactivate data_engine probe on the HA Hub
7. Activate data_engine probe on the Primary Hub
8. Update alarm enrichment settings if enabled on the HA hub
   a. Launch IM and deactivate nas followed by alarm_enrichment
   b. Select the nas probe
   c. Open Raw Configure
   d. Expand the enrichment-source section
   e. Expand the cdmbs section
   f.  Select each active cmdbs and update the connection_url key with new database server properties. Update user and password keys if they were changed.
   g. Activate alarm_enrichment followed by nas
9. Confirm that new alarms are being enriched per alarm enrichment settings by the nas on the HA hub in Infrastructure Manager or OC

Additional Information