NSX-T host configuration shows Validation Errors with error code "9564"
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NSX-T host configuration shows Validation Errors with error code "9564"


Article ID: 322465


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VMware NSX


  • Hosts show the following  Validation Error in NSX-T UI under: System > Fabric > Nodes> Host Transport Nodes > NSX Configuration:
9564: Unable to fetch host hardware and network compute information associated with <Host UUID> from inventory. Either the CM-Inventory Service is not running, or inventory information is missing.
  • The following log entries are seen in the NSX-T manager /var/log/proton/nsxapi.log:
INFO http-nio- TransportNodeProfileUtilImpl 6005 FABRIC [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" level="INFO" subcomp="manager" username="admin"] Record validation error in TNC for discovered node ########-4a90-11ee-af84-############:host-##### message : Unable to fetch host hardware and network compute information associated with ########-4a90-11ee-af84-############ from inventory. Either the CM-Inventory Service is not running, or inventory information is missing.
  • The below API's show CM service is up and service account true:

GET https://<NSX-Manager-IP>/api/v1/fabric/compute-managers/<CM-id>
GET https://<NSX-Manager-IP>/api/v1/fabric/compute-managers/<CM-id>/status


VMware NSX-T Data Center
VMware NSX


Hosts are unable to fetch inventory information from vCenter.


This issue is resolved in VMware NSX 4.2.0

To work around this issue, you can proceed with the following steps:

  • For Networking and Security Cluster:
    1. Detach the Transport node Profile (TNP) from cluster.(select cluster > Actions > Detach Transport Node Profile)
    2. Wait for the detachment to complete.
    3. Attach the same TNP back to the cluster. (select cluster > Configure NSX > select the same Transport Node Profile
  • For Security-only prepared cluster:
    1. Execute the below GET API call for the impacted transport node:

      GET https://<NSX-Manager-IP>/policy/api/v1/infra/sites/default/enforcement-points/default/host-transport-nodes/<transport-node-id>
      "id": "65120c2a-####-####-####-0050569d8fcf",
      "display_name": "", -->> This is the display_name needed for step 2
      "path": "/infra/sites/default/enforcement-points/default/host-transport-nodes/65120c2a-####-####-####-0050569d8fcf",

    2. Edit the response received on step 1, and make some change to the "display_name" field. You can simply add some characters, which can be changed back later. Then run the below PUT API, with adding the entire edited response (with the new display_name) as the body for the PUT API:

      PUT https://<NSX-Manager-IP>//policy/api/v1/infra/sites/default/enforcement-points/default/host-transport-nodes/<transport-node-id>

      Note: Updating the "display_name" field will reinitiate the Transport Node intent validation and remove the validation errors for the host once validation is passed.

Note: If the cluster where you are detaching the TNP from has a sub cluster, when you attach the TNP back to the cluster, you will also need to attach the correct sub cluster TNP back.