Does storing the data associated to ARCHIVED reports in CA Dispatch count against LDS space allocation and utilization?
The simple answer to this question is NO. Since archived report data is not considered part of "online viewing data", the data is not “stored” in the LDS files.
That said, the technical answer to this question, as it pertains to LDS space usage, is actually a little tricky. This is why...
When the report data comes into Dispatch, only 1 image of the report data is "stored" in the LDS files. From that one image, we set "PROCESS FLAGS" that tell Dispatch what we are supposed to do with that data. Should we print it? Should we archive it? Is the report defined to go to online viewing?
As each of the individual Dispatch subtasks processes that data, the process flags get reset. So, if the report gets printed, the RPI subtask will build a bundle and the RPO task will write an image of the data out to JES for PRINT and then reset the print process flag from Y to N. If the report is defined for ARCHIVE, the ARCH1 subtask will write an image of that same report data to tape and then reset the archive process flag from Y to N. Considering this, reports that come into Dispatch will be at least "temporarily" stored in the LDS files until such time as all of the process flags have been reset. Once all of the process flags have been reset, the data will be deleted from the LDS files.
The KEY to how long the one image of report data will actually be stored in the LDS files is whether or not the report is defined to go into ONLINE VIEWING!
If the report is defined to go to online viewing, the OLV process flag will be set to a 'Y' and will remain a 'Y' up until the Dispatch defined online viewing RETENTION for that report has been exceeded. Only after the retention has been exceeded will the OLV process flag be reset to a 'N' and the data associated to that report deleted out of the LDS files.
Considering all of the above, the technical answer to the question is that, if you send and keep most of your reports in online viewing, then you do not need to consider any additional LDS space for the archival of reports. However, if you don't send your reports into online viewing, then you do need to consider having enough LDS space allocated in order to temporarily store the data to be ARCHIVED but only up to the point where the ARCH1 subtask writes it to tape. Once it's written to tape, the archive process flag will be set to ‘N’ and the data will be deleted from the LDS's if the report is not defined to go into to online viewing.
-See Knowledge Base Article ID: 28129- Linear Data Sets - Size Limitation
-See Knowledge Base Article ID: 22950 - ROOT LDS SATURATION shows 100%
-See Knowledge Base Article ID: 23071 - CADZSPLx task LDS Saturation Thresholds
-And the “CADDSPL Linear Data Set (LDS) File Considerations” section of documentation in chapter 2 of the CA Dispatch Installation Guide.