What is the maximum size that an LDS file can be allocated?
Linear data sets (LDS) for Dispatch hold control information that maps out the entire CADDSPLx environment as well as the physical report data associated to online viewing, printer distribution and archive. The size of any single LDS file is limited to two gigabytes. This 2 GB limit equates to approximately 2900 cylinders on a 3390.
The SPLUTIL program that allocated and initializes the LDS files is designed to abnormally terminate when initializing an LDS with more than two gigabytes.
When running the DDEXLDSI job and specifying allocation space for an LDS file, all space should be specified as PRIMARY space.
CYL ( 2900 , 0 )
For more information on allocating and initializing LDS files, please refer to your Dispatch Installation guide, topic entitled "CADDSPL Linear Data Set (LDS) File Considerations".