When using multiple vCenters in the same Single Sign on Domain (Enhanced Linked Mode), there is high potential of corruption of the domain if
no offline snapshots are taken of all nodes before the changes. If a change must be reverted, all nodes of the Enhanced Linked Mode domain have to be restored back to this offline/consistent snapshot.
All nodes must be reverted to the snapshots first, before powering any on.This article provides common workflows where VMware recommends snapshots to be taken in a powered off state for all nodes in the domain (vCenter Servers and any external Platform Service Controllers).
Note: VMware also recommend to use File-Based or Image-Based backup For more information, see
Overview of Backup and Restore options in vCenter Server 6.x/7.0.x (2149237) .
Please also see,
vCenter Server Appliance Data Integrity Best Practices (59230) .
For more information about ELM for vCenter 6.x, see
vCenter Enhanced Linked Mode .
For more information about ELM for vCenter 7.x. see v
Center Enhanced Linked Mode .