WinHttpQueryHeaders StatusCode[00000193]
2024-01-04T12:17:08-06:00 -1 (1CC8) - HTTP: WinHttpQueryHeaders returned with non-success[00000193] on https://ServerAddress/hostpkg/pkg.php?pkg=Yara.bt9
Microsoft defines the hex code 00000193 as:
HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN: 403 The server understood the request, but cannot fulfill it.
Typically this is caused by the Proxy not allowing connections over 443 to the Resource Download Location.
The Agent is currently 32-bit architecture and will use the 32-bit Proxy settings. Verify these are set correctly:
cd C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
netsh winhttp show proxy
netsh winhttp set proxy proxy-server="<proxyservername>" bypass-list=<>;<Existing Bypass Lists>
Certain proxies may also require the App Control Server ports 41002 + 443 added to the server name, example: