Manually Import TrustedCertList.pem or Keychain.json Files
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Manually Import TrustedCertList.pem or Keychain.json Files


Article ID: 291735


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Steps to manually import the TrustedCertList.pem and/or keychain.json files on an endpoint.


  • App Control Server: Version 8.7.0 and higher
  • App Control Windows Agent: Version 8.7.0 and higher
  • App Control macOS Agent: Version 8.9.2 and higher



  1. Acquire the latest TrustedCertList.pem or keychain.json file from the Server's directory: \Bit9\Parity Server\hostpkg\
  2. Place the file somewhere on the endpoint, example: C:\Temp
  3. Issue the following commands in a command prompt:
    • Agent version 8.9.2+:
      cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bit9\Parity Agent"
      dascli password EnterGlobalPasswordHere
      dascli importservercertlist "C:\Temp\TrustedCertList.pem"
      dascli importkeychain "C:\Temp\keychain.json"
      dascli healthcheck
    • Agent versions 8.7.x - 8.9.0:
      cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bit9\Parity Agent"
      dascli password EnterGlobalPasswordHere
      dascli tamperprotect 0
      dascli importservercertlist "C:\Temp\TrustedCertList.pem"
      dascli importkeychain "C:\Temp\keychain.json"
      copy /y c:\temp\trustedcertlist.pem "C:\ProgramData\Bit9\Parity Agent"
      copy /y c:\temp\keychain.json "C:\ProgramData\Bit9\Parity Agent"
      dascli tamperprotect 1
      dascli healthcheck
  4. Verify there are no Health Check failures related to the Trusted Certificate List or the Keychain.


  1. Verify macOS Agent Key Pinning has been enabled.
  2. Acquire the latest TrustedCertList.pem or keychain.json file from the Server's directory: \Bit9\Parity Server\hostpkg\
  3. Place the file somewhere on the endpoint, example: /Users/<USR>/Downloads/
  4. Issue the following commands in Terminal:
    cd /applications/bit9/tools
    ./b9cli --password GlobalPassword
    ./b9cli --tamperprotect 0
    ./b9cli --importservercertlist "/Users/<USR>/Downloads/trustedcertlist.pem"
    ./b9cli --importkeychain "/Users/<USR>/Downloads/keychain.json"
    ./b9cli --tamperprotect 1
    ./b9cli --healthcheck
  5. Verify there are no Health Check failures related to the Trusted Certificate List or the Keychain.

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