Troubleshooting Disconnected Agents and Testing Network Connectivity
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Troubleshooting Disconnected Agents and Testing Network Connectivity


Article ID: 286690


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Steps to troubleshoot Disconnected Agents or otherwise test network connectivity when

  • Endpoints are showing as Disconnected in the Console under Assets > Computers.
  • Endpoints are not showing in the Console under Assets > Computers.
  • Endpoints are experiencing general communication issues with the App Control Server.
  • Agents have stopped checking in with the App Control Server.


  • App Control Agent: All Supported Versions
  • App Control Server: All Supported Versions
  • Apple macOS: All Supported Versions
  • Linux: All Supported Versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions


All Platforms:

  1. Log in to the Console and navigate to Settings > System Configuration > General.
    • Note the Server Address listed.
  2. Click the Security tab and verify the Current Server Certificate Details:
  3. Verify the Agent does not show in Duplicate Computers.
  4. If using Active Directory Policy Mapping, verify Slow Lookups are not contributing to the issue.
  5. Verify the endpoint and application server hosting the Console have matching Cipher Suites & Protocols.
  6. Manually restart the Agent via the command line/terminal to be sure it is fully running.
  7. Verify all Antivirus Agent Exclusions are added to any other security product(s) on the endpoint.


  1. If Windows XP or Server 2003 Agents, follow the steps to connect XP or Server 2003 Agents to the Console first.
  2. Use a command prompt to issue the following commands:
    cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bit9\Parity Agent\
    dascli server

    Example Output:
    Current server:
  3. If the Current Server returned does not match the Server Address in the Console, either:
  4. Use PowerShell to test the connections between the Server Address and the endpoint on the ports used by App Control:
    Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 41002 -InformationLevel "Detailed"
    Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 443 -InformationLevel "Detailed"
    • Review output to check for failures on Name Resolution, TCP Port, etcetera.
  5. Verify the endpoint can resolve the Server Address returned, example commands:
  6. Check to see if the Agent has ESTABLISHED a connection to the Server Address on the port:
    netstat -ano | findstr "41002"
  7. If a Proxy is in use, verify the 32-bit netsh is configured with a Bypass for the Server Address:
    C:\Windows\SysWOW64\netsh.exe winhttp show proxy
    (for XP/Server 2003 use: proxycfg)


  1. Verify the Agent and Linux OS/kernel combination being used is supported.
  2. Use Terminal to issue the following commands:
    cd /opt/bit9/bin
    ./b9cli --server

    Example Output:
    1. If no Server Address is returned, the install was missing the server.conf file and will require reinstall using the Uninstall Disconnected Linux Agent method.
    2. If the Server Address does not match the Server Address in the Console, either:
  3. Verify the endpoint resolves the resulting Server Address
    telnet 41002


  1. Verify the Agent and macOS combination being used is supported.
  2. Verify the Agent Kernel Extensions are loaded and the Agent is fully running.
  3. Verify Full Disk Access (FDA) was granted to the Agent:
    System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access > appc-es-extension
  4. Use Terminal to issue the following commands:
    cd /Applications/Bit9/Tools/
    ./b9cli --status
  5. If the current Server Address returned does not match the Server Address in the Console, either:
  6. Verify the endpoint resolves the resulting Server Address
    nslookup <SERVERADDRESS>
    nc -vz <SERVERADDRESS> 41002
    nc -vz <SERVERADDRESS> 443


If the connectivity tests pass, but the issue persists collect the Disconnected Agent Logs and open a case with Support.

Additional Information

  • The output of the PowerShell command should indicate that the name resolves to an IP and the TcpTest is "True"
    RemoteAddress            :
    TcpTestSucceeded         : True
    • If Remote address did not return the correct IP address then the DNS must be fixed
    • If the TcpTest is "False" then port 41002 is not accessible on the server
  • The output of netstat -ano | findstr "41002", should be 'ESTABLISHED'
    • This is necessary in order for comms to succeed between agent and server.
    • If there is anything other than 'ESTABLISHED' (including No output), then this generally indicates some issue or other with Firewall or proxy settings, and will likely need the Infra/IT Team to help determine why Port 41002 connection was not 'ESTABLISHED'
    • This is not something the Agent has control of, as it relies on the connection settings in order to make the 2 way communication.
  • If ICMP response is disabled in the environment, ping may not be successful
  • Optionally if Telnet is available, you can check connectivity with:
    telnet ServerAddress 41002