Stopping and Restarting the Agent via Command Line or Terminal
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Stopping and Restarting the Agent via Command Line or Terminal


Article ID: 285034


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Steps to stop, start, restart or disable services for an Agent


  • App Control Agent : All Supported Versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions
  • macOS: All Supported Versions
  • Linux: All Supported Versions



Stop the Agent services:

  1. Use an administrative command prompt to authenticate with the Agent, stop Tamper Protection.
    cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bit9\Parity Agent"
    dascli password <LocalOrGlobalCliPassword>
    dascli tamperprotect 0
  2. Stop the Agent service and unload the driver:
    • Agent 8.10 +
      dascli stopservice
      fltmc unload paritydriver
    • Agent 8.9.6 and lower
      net stop parity
      fltmc unload paritydriver

Start the Agent services:

  1. Using an administrative command prompt to load the driver and start the Agent service (in that order):
    fltmc load paritydriver
    net start parity
  2. Verify the Agent shows as Connected with Tamper Protection Enabled:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bit9\Parity Agent\dascli.exe" status


Stop the agent services:

  1. Use Terminal to issue the following commands:
    cd /Applications/Bit9/Tools 
    ./b9cli --password 'GlobalCLIPassword'
    ./b9cli --tamperprotect 0
    ./b9cli --shutdown sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.bit9.Daemon.plist

Start the Agent services:

  1. Use Terminal to issue the following commands:
    sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.bit9.Daemon.plist
    ./b9cli --status
  2. Verify the Agent shows as Connected with Tamper Protection Enabled.


Stop the Agent services:

  1. Open Terminal to
  2. Issue the commands:
    cd /opt/bit9/bin
    ./b9cli --password 'GlobalCLIPassword'
    ./b9cli --tamperprotect 0
    ./b9cli --shutdown
  3. Confirm the b9daemon process has stopped (it may take a few moments for the services to fully shutdown):
    ps -ef | grep -i bit
  4. Confirm the version associated with the b9k_ module:
    lsmod | grep b9k
  5. Unload the b9k module if listed above:
    rmmod b9k_VERSION
    lsmod | grep b9k

Start the Agent services:

  1. Issue the following commands in Terminal:
    ./b9cli --startup
    ./b9cli --status
  2. Verify the Agent shows as Connected with Tamper Protection Enabled.

Additional Information

Stopping the agent service will:

  • Prevent the Agent from communicating with the App Control Server.
  • Prevent the Agent from tracking any file operations.
  • Prevent the Agent from taking any actions.
  • Allow the Agent to be uninstalled.