The Spectrum Archive Manager fails to start with SPC-OCP-10067 error in a Fault Tolerant environment.
The steps outlined in the following KB article did not fix the issue:
$ ./ArchMgr.exe -repair
Dec 24 16:57:18 : ArchMgr started as user 'xxxxxxxxx'
Dec 24 16:57:18 : ArchMgr attempting to repair corrupted database
Database corruption detected:
ddm.event - Partition EVENT_18_11_2023 returned error
ddm.event - Corrupt
ddm.event - OK
Dec 24 16:58:40 : ArchMgr successfully repaired database.
But the Archive Manager does not start. Rerun the repair.
$ ./ArchMgr.exe -repair
Dec 24 17:03:02 : ArchMgr started as user 'xxxxxxxxx'
Dec 24 17:03:02 : ArchMgr attempting to repair corrupted database
Database corruption detected:
ddm.event - Partition EVENT_18_11_2023 returned error
ddm.event - Corrupt
ddm.event - OK
Dec 24 17:04:24 : ArchMgr successfully repaired database.
Spectrum: Any release
The DDM database is corrupted.
1. Back up the DDM database on the good node (logged as Spectrum Install Owner account in a bash shell).
cd $SPECROOT/mysql/bin/
./mysqldump.exe --databases -uroot -p<password> ddmdb > backup_ddmdb.sql (Windows)
./mysqldump --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf --databases -uroot -p<password> ddmdb > backup_ddmdb.sql (Linux)
2. Transfer the file over to the problematic node, in the $SPECROOT/mysql/bin/ directory.
3. On the problematic node, drop the DDM database.
./mysql --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -p<password> ddmdb (Linux)
mysql> drop database ddmdb;
If it fails, try increasing the innodb_force_recovery parameter in the $SPECROOT/mysql/my-spectrum.cnf file. The default value is 0.
Here are the steps:
Edit the $SPECROOT/mysql/my-spectrum.cnf file and add/update the following parameter:
innodb_force_recovery = 1 (example)
Stop/start the Spectrum MySQL server service to put the change in place.
To stop MySQL service service:
To start MySQL service service:
Once you successfully dropped the DDM database, set the innodb_force_recovery back to 0 and stop/start the Spectrum MySQL service to put the change in place.
4. On the problematic node, recreate the DDM database.
./mysql --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -p<password> (Linux)
7. Once the restore has finished successfully, start the Archive Manager.
Note: It will take some time to validate the restored DDM database.