Deployment Task Server Handler plug-in is not upgrading
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Deployment Task Server Handler plug-in is not upgrading


Article ID: 252210


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Deployment Solution IT Management Suite


The customer has upgraded his environment (in this example from 8.5 RU4 to 8.6 RU3 version). His Site Server's Deployment Task Server Handler is still on the previous version (in this example, v8.5.5710). It hasn't upgraded after two days.


ITMS 8.5. 8.6


Upgrade policy (Deployment Site Server Components (x64) - Upgrade) wasn't enabled after upgrading to the new version. 


Check the following:

  1. See if the Site Server is getting the required policy to upgrade it: "Deployment Site Server Components (x64) - Upgrade". If you see it, check the agent logs for possible MSI installation issues. Refer to KB 207317 "Unable to install Deployment Task Server Handler on Site Server" for ideas on what to look for.
  2. If you don't see it, make sure "Deployment Solution Task Handler" upgrade policy is turned on under:
    SMP Console > settings > All Settings  >Agents/Plug-ins  >Deployment  >Windows (x64)  >Deployment Site Server Components (x64) - Upgrade

Additional Information

191333 "error: COM object 'DeploymentSolutionAgent_Task' is not found, make sure the corresponding plug-in or task handler module is installed and registered"