error: COM object 'DeploymentSolutionAgent_Task' is not found, make sure the corresponding plug-in or task handler module is installed and registered
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error: COM object 'DeploymentSolutionAgent_Task' is not found, make sure the corresponding plug-in or task handler module is installed and registered


Article ID: 191333


Updated On:


IT Management Suite Deployment Solution


The following error message is displayed in the agent logs while trying to run a task:

Error 1:
CClientTaskInstance::Execute(): CAtrsException exception, error: COM object 'DeploymentSolutionAgent_Task' is not found, make sure the corresponding plug-in or task handler module is installed and registered, OS error: Cadena clase no válida (0x800401F3), at line 71
 re-throw at CAtrsComPtr::CoCreateInstance
 re-throw at CAtrsComPtr::CoCreateInstance(BSTR)
 re-throw at CClientTaskInstanceWin32::_CreateTaskHandler
 re-throw at CClientTaskInstanceBase::_CreateTaskHandler
 re-throw at CClientTaskInstanceBase::_Execute
Date: 5/19/2020 3:29:36 PM, Tick Count: 1565267 (00:26:05.2670000), Size: 766 B
Process: AeXNSAgent.exe (3592), Thread ID: 700, Module: client task agent.dll
Priority: 1, Source: CAtrsException

Error 2:
CTaskExecutionEngineBase::_onProcessExecuteTask(): CAtrsException exception, error: Failed to execute task, COM object 'DeploymentSolutionAgent_Task' is not found, make sure the corresponding plug-in or task handler module is installed and registered, OS error: Cadena clase no válida (0x800401F3), at line 541
 re-throw at CTaskExecutionEngineBase::_onProcessExecuteTask
 re-throw at CTaskExecutionEngineBase::_onProcessExecuteTask
 re-throw at CTaskExecutionEngineBase::_onProcessExecuteTask
Date: 5/19/2020 3:29:36 PM, Tick Count: 1565267 (00:26:05.2670000), Size: 737 B
Process: AeXNSAgent.exe (3592), Thread ID: 700, Module: client task agent.dll
Priority: 1, Source: CAtrsException


ITMS 8.1, 8.5


Usually these messages refer to one of these two common reasons:
1. Either you are missing the deployment plugin on the client, 
2. or the task server doesn't have the DSTaskhandler installed that it is connected to.


The error message indicates a Deployment Solution task cannot be processed and the common cause for that is missing Deployment Plugin on the client or missing DS Task Handler on the Task Server this client is registered to. 

Plugin versions can be checked either from the Agent UI on the machines themselves or Plug-in Versions section of "Manage > Computers" in the Symantec Management Console (assuming the machines are otherwise reporting back to SMP properly).

The policies for the plugins are:

1. Make sure your client machine has the Deployment Solution Plug-in installed:
Agent Plug-in (client) install:
Settings > Agents/Plug-ins > All Agents/Plug-ins > Deployment > Windows (x64) > Deployment Plug-in for Windows (x64) > Install/Upgrade

2. Make sure the Task Server servicing this client(s) has the Deployment Task Server Handler installed:
Task Server components:
Settings > Agents/Plug-ins > All Agents/Plug-ins > Deployment > Windows (x64) > Deployment Task Server Components (x64) > Install/Upgrade

If the plugins are there, please verify that the versions match and upgrade if necessary:
KB 150933 "What are the released ITMS 8.5 Agent or Plug-in versions and build numbers?"

If that does not help please try reinstalling Deployment Plug-in on the client machine, or the entire Agent if the plug-in reinstall does not help.

Additional Information

207317 "Unable to install Deployment Task Server Handler on Site Server"