Display all the Agent plug-in policies in one single place
Display all the Agent plug-in policies in one single place
Article ID: 251779
Updated On: 10-30-2024
IT Management SuiteClient Management Suite
As an ITMS administrator, I need to have the ability to install, upgrade and uninstall the Symantec Management Agent and associated plug-ins as quickly and easily as possible and have a single page in the Symantec Management Console that allows me to access all policies related to the install, upgrade, and uninstall of the Symantec Management Agent and plug-ins.
ITMS 8.6, 8.7
A new Report has been created that shows Policies that need to be Installed and Upgraded. The Report is located in Reports > All Reports > Notification Server Management > Agents > ITMS Plug-in Status. One bonus is that you can Right-click a Policy and Enable or disable it from the Report.
There are some options to help you consolidate some of the Symantec Management Agent and plug-ins policies in one place by creating a Shortcut to this report near the Agents-plugins folder:
To manage all existing Plug-ins rollout policies in one place, the customer could use the existing default report "ITMS Plugins status" and just add their "Shortcut" under the "Agents-plugins" folder.
As an example - browse to Agents/Plugins in the Console. Right-click Folder, select NEW > Item Link.
Select Tree: Reports from the Drop Down menu > Reports > Notification Server Management > Agents > ITMS Plug-in Status
That should result in having a Shortcut to the ITMS Plug-ins status report created at that location
In case the customer wants to avoid making many mouse clicks to open required Agent related Items in SMP Console, for such cases you could create your own Menu with a sub-menus where you will specify required folders, policies, reports, web parts, etc by separate Item menu, sub-menu. Using Settings > All Settings > Notification Server > Console Settings > Menus you can create the following Menu structure. Agents/Plugins folder could be added here along with the Report.
Note: With ITMS 8.7.1 release, new reports were added to help customers identifying outdated plug-ins:
"Report that shows what plug-ins need to be upgraded" (KB 271660) "Where can I check the agent upgrade status in the Symantec Management Console?" (KB 264342) "Best Practice: How to remediate systems where an Agent Plugin is not upgrading on some systems" (KB 240611)