AppNeta - Provisioning AppNeta monitoring point with a NIS.CONFIG file
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AppNeta - Provisioning AppNeta monitoring point with a NIS.CONFIG file


Article ID: 242839


Updated On:


AppNeta DX NetOps


In some circumstance you may need to re-provision an AppNeta monitoring point, such as if you factory reset the device, or you are migrating the unit between organizations.  In these scenarios, you can use the NIS.config file to and the devices API to correctly provision the device.  If you need a copy of your NIS.config, you can download it through AppNeta


This article is for AppNeta Monitoring points running versions 14.0 and older.  If you are running 14.1 and newer, please have a look at the following guide: 



Update the AppNeta Monitoring point using a NIS.config file:

1. Log into your monitoring point’s web admin interface, either through the AppNeta portal or directly through the LAN IP of the appliance: http://<LAN IP>/

2. Open the API by clicking the gear icon, and selecting API;


3. This will open the API tool. Inside you will find the NIS configuration section:

4. Click on NIS Configuration it to expand. Inside you’ll see a POST /nis/file option:

Click on it to expand the section.


5. Once expanded, you’ll see a Try It Out Button, click on it.

Additional options will appear, click Choose File, and select the nis.config file provided, and then

6. Once you click execute you’ll be prompted for your username and password again:

7. The file should upload to the monitoring point, and you should see an indication that it loaded
correctly, “Code 200 NIS Configuration Uploaded”

8. The monitoring point should restart after a few minutes. Alternatively you can perform a manual
restart from the main web interface:

9. The monitoring point should appear in your organization

Additional Information

NIS.Config's are identical for all monitoring points with the same Organization, though every Child organization has its own unique site key and thus NIS.Config.


See also:
You can fix this by getting a copy of your NIS.config which can be used to apply to your monitoring points:  

You can check and verify if a NIS.config is present on your appliance: