Here are our recommendations:
- The most common things to consider for an upgrade are referenced in our documentation like this one:
or under the 8.5 RU4 Upgrade info:
The most important thing to consider is to review whether your current OS version on your SMP Server is still supported. You can review our Support Matrix here:
- Review the ITMS 8.5 RU4 Release Notes so you can be aware of any known issues as well as other changes added on that release:
- One important thing to consider to do on any upgrade is to have a recent KMS encryption keys backup. See the following KB on how to do this:
174996 "Backing up and restoring Notification Server KMS encryption keys"
- After you upgrade to 8.5 RU4, take into consideration other pointfixes available for that release:
- After you are done upgrading the usual next step is to enable the Symantec Management Agent and Solutions plugins upgrade policies. Most customers enable the Symantec Management Agent upgrade policy first, then they upgrade their Site Servers for the package and task services:
- Upgrade Symantec Management Agent on Site Server computers using default SMA upgrade policies.
- Upgrade Symantec Management Agent on Non-Site Server computers using default SMA upgrade policies.
- In order to update client machines and Package Server agent machines with the updated Agent’s package, use the upgrade policy for Package Server (“Windows Package Server Agent Upgrade” under Settings>Notification Server>Site Server Settings>Package Service>Advanced>Windows)
- In order to update client machines and Task Server agent machines with the updated Agent’s package, use the upgrade policy for Task Server (“Task Service Upgrade (x64)” under Settings>Notification Server>Site Server Settings>Task Service>Advanced)