- New alarms don't appear in OI Console
- ServiceNow tickets creation is not working
DX Operational Intelligence 20.x
DX Application Performance Management 20.x
DX AXA 20.x
1) Zookeeper Communication issues with Kafka brokers
WARN [SyncThread:3:FileTxnLog@338] - fsync-ing the write ahead log in SyncThread:3 took 16313ms which will adversely effect operation latency. See the ZooKeeper troubleshooting guide
2) Several Jarvis services in red
3) Elastic unassigned shards
4) Kafka consumers disconnection
Applied below recommendations as describe in KB : DX Platform - Jarvis (kafka, zookeeper, elasticSearch) Troubleshooting
1) Fixed unassigned elastic shards and jarvis services in red by executing:
2) Fixed LAG in kaka by performing below steps:
Restart jarvis services as below:
Scale down:
- jarvis-verifier
- jarvis-lean-jarvis-indexer
- jarvis-indexer
Scale up:
- jarvis-verifier
- jarvis-lean-jarvis-indexer
- jarvis-indexer
Below is the list of kubectl commands :
a) Scale down the following deployments:
kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment jarvis-verifier -n<namespace>
kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment jarvis-lean-jarvis-indexer -n<namespace>
kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment jarvis-indexer -n<namespace>
b) Verify that all pods are down:
kubectl get pods -n<namespace> | egrep "jarvis-verifier|jarvis-lean|jarvis-indexer"
c) Scale up deployments
kubectl scale --replicas=1 deployment jarvis-verifier -n<namespace>
kubectl scale --replicas=1 deployment jarvis-lean-jarvis-indexer -n<namespace>
kubectl scale --replicas=1 deployment jarvis-indexer -n<namespace>d
d) Verify that all pods are up and running:
kubectl get pods -n<namespace> | egrep "jarvis-verifier|jarvis-lean|jarvis-indexer"
e) Verify alarms and servicenow incidents are reported as expected