SEEMS Configuration Manager does not open or save properly (Symantec Endpoint Encryption Management Server)
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SEEMS Configuration Manager does not open or save properly (Symantec Endpoint Encryption Management Server)


Article ID: 220948


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When attempting to open the Symantec Endpoint Encryption Configuration Manager errors are received.

If you save the configuration in the SEEMS Configuration Manager, some settings may not get written to IIS.

This article will go over several of the Troubleshooting steps to help save these settings.






Scenario 1: Database Permissions may not be correct


"Symantec Endpoint Encryption Management Server database connection parameters are incorrect.  Enter correct parameters to change the configuration settings of the Management Server"

Another behavior is you are prompted for credentials when you attempt to open the SEE Management Server.

Potential Resolution Scenario 1:

In order to open the SEE Configuration Manager or the SEE Management Server, the account you are logging in to the Windows Server as must also have database permissions.

The minimum database requirements for this configuration is "db_reader", "db_writer", and "public".  As long as you have all these database permissions, you should be able to open both of the above with no errors or prompts.

For example, if a user "Sally" is attempted to open any of the above applications, Sally must be added as a user to the SEE Database and given the above permissions.  If not, then when Sally opens the application, a prompt may appear.  Until those credentials are entered, the server will not launch properly.  The SEE Configuration Manager may open, but will not populate all the normal fields on the left side and present the error message.

Make sure you give the users proper permissions, or when you launch these applications, run them as the users who do have the permissions.



Scenario 2: Message displayed at the end of the SEE Management Server installation "Save failed for Web Server Configuration due to invalid data. Enter valid data."


Potential Resolution Scenario 2:
If you have recently installed IIS, there will be a Default Web Site that is configured.  


This Default Website can be either stopped, or deleted if you do not use it, but if it is running, then the SEEMS Configuration Manager will not save.

Once you stop the "Default Web Site", then try to save the SEEMS Configuration Manager again as can be seen in the screenshot above.



Scenario 3: Post upgrade, the following error is observed:


After this is finished, the Configuration Manager comes up and displays the following message upon trying to save:


Potential Resolution Scenario 3:

The above error indicates the installer being used is an older version than what is actually installed.  Since the names of the SEE Management Server Suite MSI files are always given the same name, regardless of version, double check the installer to make sure it's the correct version.  Use Checksums to validate the proper installation file is being used.

For example, for this scenario SEE 11.3.1 MP1 was installed on two servers. Once server was upgraded to 11.3.1 MP1, but the other server still needed to be upgraded. Upon attempting to upgrade, the 11.3.1 installer was used, but not the 11.3.1 MP1 installer.  This is why the database version shows incorrectly in the error.  It will be necessary to uninstall the SEE Management Server on the affected server, and then do a new install with the correct installer.




Scenario 4: SEEMS Configuration Manager will not open post install, post upgrade, or manually


In this scenario, the SEEMS Configuration Manager does not open either manually, or after the SEE Management Server installation.


Potential Resolution Scenario 4:

If the SEEMS Configuration Manager is not opening at all, check to make sure none of your security software is blocking it. In particular, ensure the encryption binaries/executables/programs are allowed in your exception list.  See the following article for information on which programs should be added:

200696 - Symantec Encryption Services - Add Symantec Encryption programs to safe list or exclusions in security software

If you have added the above, and the SEEMS Configuration Manager still does not come up, check if there are any security hardening policies that could be blocking it.

If the SEEMS configuration will still not open, check the configuration file to ensure the proper values are getting filled.  For assistance with troubleshooting further, reach out to Symantec Encryption Support for further guidance. 




Scenario 5: Message displayed at the end of the SEE Management Server installation "Unable to configure Management Server child Applications"


Potential Resolution Scenario 5:
At the end of the installation for the SEE Management Server, there is a final wizard that pops up for the "SEEMS Configuration Manager".  At this stage of the setup, you will be confirming database credentials, IIS credentials and others.  There is one other aspect to this called "AD Sync".  This is not a necessary component and we don't recommend using it--rather, we recommend you use the "SEE Native" policy where it is easier to manage.  In the SEEMS Configuration Manager, Delete the entries for AD Sync and then see if you can save these settings. 



Scenario 6: Message displayed at the end of the SEE Management Server installation "Save failed for Web Server Configuration due to invalid data. Enter valid data."


Potential Resolution Scenario 6:
Sometimes the IIS components are not installed properly, or are missing.  This could be either after a Windows update or something else going wrong with the system.

Uninstalling IIS and then reinstalling with proper roles should typically help.  



Scenario 7: You enter information in the SEEMS Configuration Manager and saves successfully, but the information did not get written to IIS.

Potential Resolution Scenario 7:
Sometimes changing the information and saving, and then changing back can help.

If you have entered the information in SEEMS Configuration Manager, but did not save properly, reach out to Symantec Encryption Support for further guidance.






For information on how to get the SEE Management Server properly installed, see the following article:

179347 - HOW TO: Install Symantec Endpoint Encryption Management Server (SEE Management Server)

IMPORTANT TIP!  Ask us about our Check Roles Tool that will make the installation of Symantec Endpoint Encryption Management Server simple and seamless!  
This is an excellent tool that will both check if the features are enabled and tell you what is missing, and then **install them for you** (When run as administrator).  Please contact our Symantec Encryption Support team and we will be happy to provide the tool for you. This tool makes it extremely easy to get all these features installed and enabled.  The name of this tool is called "CheckRolesFor_11_3_1_Plus.exe".


If you know that you are required to use AD Sync, then you need to have the proper service permissions for the SEE AD Sync Service to start on the server.  If you're not sure if you need this, feel free to reach out to Symantec Encryption Support for further guidance. 

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