Unable to forecast after year 2024 in Team detail page in Classic Clarity
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Unable to forecast after year 2024 in Team detail page in Classic Clarity


Article ID: 216176


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Need to remove some allocation / forecast set in years too far out in future (example 2024 - 2026), but getting an error message when trying to view Time Scale Value (TSV) data during the time frame that needs to be correct. The allocation in these periods is also causing cost plan amounts to be higher than they should be.

Error: "The requested Time Period do not exist. Please review column's time scale settings". Reviewed: Time Scale Values settings in Classic Clarity, but need help to see how to correct the forecast in the periods we can't view data for. 


Release : All Supported


The Project Finish date is set to 2026, causing forecast / allocation to be populated in the 2024 - 2026 time range due to the resource default allocation being 100% and the resources' finish dates on the project defaulting to the 2026 finish date. (See Team properties allocation Start/Finish dates blank in Classic Clarity). 

One way to view the issue is to click on the properties icon on the team tab for one of the resources in Classic Clarity. This is where you can see allocation segments, and in this example, there is 100% allocation for the time frame of 2024 - 2026.

The error message and blank data in 2024 is due to the design behavior in Classic where you can only see a limited amount of data in future periods (See Warning: "The time periods requested do not exist" moving through periods on a TSV field. New features in Modern User Experience allow users be able to see the data. 


To correct the allocation amounts in this scenario, see the below

From Classic Clarity

If the Finish date of the project does not need to be set out to 2026 (or a date far out in future):

  • Update the project finish date to be more close to present time frame (such as 8/2022). This will bring in all the team members finish dates that don't have a manual value set (and thus remove the extra forecast / allocation).

If the Finish date of the project does need to be set out far in the future:

  1. From the team tab of the project, click on the Properties icon for a resource with the issue
  2. Update the Finish date (if blank, populate the appropriate date)
  3. Alternatively you can update the Allocation segment amount by creating a new segment / updating an existing segment with the correct allocation amount (Example: 0%)

From Modern User Experience

Using the Staffing feature or Per Period Metrics from the Staff tab of a project in the Modern User Experience allows project managers to be able to see forecast far out in the future

Use the Investments to Resources portlet in the Staffing section

Use the Per Period Metrics feature for the Staff module for a project

To update the cost plan

  • Go to the cost plan and select the option to populate the cost plan from the investment team.