Department OBS resets to the default value set for the attribute
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Department OBS resets to the default value set for the attribute


Article ID: 214524


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Any changes to Project attributes in both Classic and Modern User Experience (MUX) are causing the Department OBS value to be reset to the default. If Financial plans are already created on the project, the following error is generated in Classic and Modern instead of the Department being changed: Error: The department cannot be changed to a different entity after financial plans have been created.

In Classic: If the field is not added to the Edit View in Classic, updating any Project attributes resets the Department OBS to the default whether there's already a value set or not. If the field is added to the Edit View in Classic, the issue does not happen. 

In Modern UX: If the field is added to the Blueprint in MUX, updating any Project attributes on the Project resets the Department OBS to the default regardless of a value being set or not. 

Note: This issue can also be observed after certain jobs such as Investment Allocation job are run.

Use case #1 – Classic Clarity


  1. In Classic Clarity, create a new project with a Department OBS value inputted (Example Department1)
  2. Go to Administration->Studio->Objects->Project->Attributes
  3. Click on the Department OBS attribute
  4. Enter a Default (different than the one selected in step 1, ie Department2 and click Save and Return
  5. Click on the Views tab
  6. Click on [Layout: Edit] for Project Properties
  7. Expand Project Summary and then Expand Organizational Breakdown Structures
  8. Check the check box for Department OBS and click Delete
  9. In Classic Clarity, navigate to the project properties for the project created in step 1 and click Save and Return
  10. Add Department OBS to the Project list view and view the value for the project

Expected Results: Department OBS remains as the value set for the project

Actual Results: Department OBS changes to the default value set on the project object

Use case #2 -  Modern UX


  1. In Modern UX, create a new project with a Department OBS value inputted (Example Department1)
  2. In Classic Clarity, go to Administration->Studio->Objects->Project->Attributes
  3. Click on the Department OBS attribute
  4. Enter a Default (different than the one selected in step 1, ie Department2) and click Save and Return
  5. Click on the Views tab
  6. In the Modern UX, navigate to the project Properties for the project created in step 1
  7. Change any value on the page (example: change the Project Start Date)
    • Note: If there are financial plans already on the project you will get an unexpected error at this step instead: The department cannot be changed to a different entity after financial plans have been created.
  8. Add Department OBS to the Project grid view and view the Department value for the project

Expected Results: Department OBS remains as the value set for the project

Actual Results: Department OBS changes to the default value set on the project object


Release : 15.9.1 patch 1, 15.9.2



This issue is caused by: DE60890.


 DE60890 is fixed in 15.9.2 patch 1 and 15.9.3.

Workaround: Delete the default value for the Department OBS attribute

  1. In Classic Clarity go to Administration->Studio->Objects->Project
  2. Click on the Attributes tab
  3. Click on the Department OBS field
  4. Click the X next to Default to delete the Default Value
  5. Click Save

Important: If you run into an issue implementing the workaround above, implement the steps below as referenced in Department OBS Default value on project object cannot be changed

  1. XOG out the Project object
  2. Modify the XML to remove the default for the OBS attribute
  3. XOG the Project object back in to Clarity
  4. If the default value still displays in Clarity, clear it out one more time and Save

If the above workaround does not work, please reach out to Broadcom Support for assistance. See Contact Support for more details in how to contact support. 

Additional Information

See also Default Department OBS not assigned if not displayed due to DE56545 fixed in 15.9.1 patch 1 and 15.9.2.

See Known Issues for the list of known defects in Clarity 15.9.2