"Copy File" tasks are no running or failing on client machines that are connected to certain Task Servers
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"Copy File" tasks are no running or failing on client machines that are connected to certain Task Servers


Article ID: 207463


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Deployment Solution IT Management Suite


The customer has a job that contains a "Copy File" task that should be copying an updated version of their "hosts" file down to the client machines. On some client computers, the job fails because they get stuck with this "copy file" task. It times out.
Something that was noticed is that this seems to be occurring when the client machines are connected to certain Task Servers. If they manually assign those client machines to the Task Servers that seems to be more reliable, the job runs fine without having problems with their "Copy File" tasks.


ITMS 8.5


Missing necessary components on the Task Server(s). Client machines were getting the Job but the "Copy File" task was not running because the necessary  "Deployment Solution Task Handler" component was not installed.

For "Copy File" task to properly run, the Task Server needs to have installed:

  1. Deployment Solution plug-in
  2. Deployment Solution Task Handler

The client machines need to have installed:

  1. Deployment Solution plug-in


The common cause for that is "Copy File" task failing or timing out is because  of missing Deployment Plugin on the client or missing DS Task Handler on the Task Server this client is registered to. 

  1. Make sure "Deployment Solution Plug-in" is installed on your Task Servers and client machines:
    SMP Console > settings > All Settings  >Agents/Plug-ins  >Deployment  >Windows (x64)  >Deployment Plug-in for Windows (x64) - Install

  2. Make sure "Deployment Solution Task Handler" is installed on your Task Servers:
    SMP Console > settings > All Settings  >Agents/Plug-ins  >Deployment  >Windows (x64)  >Deployment Task Server Components (x64) - Install

Additional Information

191333 "error: COM object 'DeploymentSolutionAgent_Task' is not found, make sure the corresponding plug-in or task handler module is installed and registered"

207317 "Unable to install Deployment Task Server Handler on Site Server"