DX AIOps- How to manually recreate a tenant servicenow configuration in NIM UI?
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DX AIOps- How to manually recreate a tenant servicenow configuration in NIM UI?


Article ID: 206011


Updated On:


DX Operational Intelligence DX Application Performance Management CA App Experience Analytics



- DX Platform to ServiceNow integration is not working: how to recreate the NIM to ServiceNow configuration
- We are not using the Default ServiceNow field mapping: how to update the NIM to ServiceNow configuration  


DX Platform 2x



1) If not already done, create a NIM route to access the NIM UI:

DX Platform - How to create a NIM route to access the NIM UI?

2) Select your Tenant MDR, f
or example: (ServiceNow(SN<your-tenant-id>))


3) Backup the existing settings:

Copy all property values as you need this information to recreate the configuration for your tenant.

4) Click "Delete

5) C
lick on the "ServiceNow(ServiceNow)"

6) Click "Clone" and p
rovide new instance name = SN<Your-TenantID> (remove the special characters)


NOTE: To list your tenant(s) details, use : http(s)://es.<router-hostname>/ao_tenants_1_1/_search?size=200&pretty

7) Set URL and ServiceNowClientURL = ServiceNow URL and enter the password, click "Save and Test"


8) (OPTIONAL) Apply your customizations

- Click "Customization"

- Select your "SN<Your-TenantID>"

A table with all fields mapping will be displayed

- Update the fields are required

For example, if your ServiceNow has been configured to handle "incidents status" using "incident_state" servicenow field, then proceed to update it as below:


9) Disable and enable the current DX OI > ServiceNow configuration

Go to Settings > Channels > ServiceNow, then:

- Disable, click save
- Enable, click save


10) Try creating the ticket and verify the ServiceNow integration

Additional Information

DX AIOPs - Troubleshooting, Common Issues and Best Practices

NIM Documentation:
