PGP Encryption Management Server 3.4.2 and above include additional password complexity/requirements (Symantec Encryption Management Server).
This article will go over the details on how this functionality works.
Releases of PGP Encryption Server prior to 3.4.2 allow password complexity to be enabled using the steps in article 171746 but passwords do not expire.
PGP Encryption Server 3.4.2 and above include additional password management features including password expiry.
By default, administrator passwords expire every 60 days.
See the PGP Encryption Server Administrator's Guide for full details but a summary of the new features are:
To modify the above settings, please reach out to Symantec Encryption Support for further guidance.
If you would like to be able to configure a Login Banner, with a customized window for the PGP Encryption Server, please reach out to Symantec Encryption Support.
153670 - PGP Encryption Server Administrator Roles (Symantec Encryption Management Server)
180239 - HOW TO: Enable Directory Synchronization on the PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server)
180156 - Obtain the Base DN or Bind DN Attributes for LDAP Directory Synchronization for PGP Encryption Server
153425 - Troubleshooting: PGP Encryption Desktop Client Enrollment (Symantec Encryption Desktop)
171744 - PGP Administrator Password Complexity Enforcement via Passphrase Authentication (Manual Password Assignment)
216163 - Reset Password for Administrators on Symantec Encryption Management Server (PGP Server)