Using PGP Encryption Desktop PGP Zip for Windows - How to Encrypt Files (Symantec Encryption Desktop)
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Using PGP Encryption Desktop PGP Zip for Windows - How to Encrypt Files (Symantec Encryption Desktop)


Article ID: 171500


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Use PGP Encryption Desktop's PGP Zip to create, open and edit encrypted and compressed packages, called PGP Zip archives.

A PGP Zip Archive package is a single file that is encrypted and compressed for convenient transport or backup. These archive files can hold any combination of files and/or folders and are especially convenient for secure transport or backup.

In an environment managed by a PGP Encryption Server, PGP Zip can be enabled or disabled through Consumer Policy.


Use the PGP Zip Assistant to create new PGP Zip Archive packages. The Assistant guides you through the process of selecting the files and/or folders for your archive and the method of encryption or packaging. The options are as follows:

  • Encrypting and packaging your files and/or folders using the PGP keys of one or more recipients (recipients must have Encryption Desktop on their computers).
  • Encrypting and packaging your files and/or folders using a passphrase (recipients must have Encryption Desktop on their computers).
  • Encrypting and packaging your files and/or folders into a self-decrypting archive (PGP Zip SDA) that is protected by a passphrase (recipients do not need Encryption Desktop but the recipient's computer must be running Microsoft Windows).
  • No encryption and no packaging, but a file is created that you can send to your recipients to verify that you are the person who sent the file.

Creating PGP Zip Archives

To create a PGP Zip archive:

  1. Click the PGP Zip Control box and then click New PGP Zip. The PGP Zip Assistant is displayed.
  2. Do any of the following:
  • Drag and drop your files into the area specified in the assistant.
  • To add an entire directory to the PGP Zip archive you are creating, click Add directory.
  • To add a file to the PGP Zip archive you are creating, click Add files.
  • To remove a file or directory from the PGP Zip archive you are creating, click Remove selected files.
  • To select additional options for the PGP Zip file that you are creating, click PGP Zip advanced options. The default settings are fine for most users.
  1. To securely delete the original files once the PGP Zip Archive is created, select Send original files to PGP Shredder when finished.

    Caution: If you choose to send the original files to PGP Shredder once the PGP Zip Archive is created, you cannot retrieve your files later - not even with a file recovery utility. Your files are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Use care when selecting this option.

  2. To specify special options, click PGP Zip advanced options:
  • To create separate encrypted files rather than one PGP Zip Archive package that contains all files in a single encrypted file, select Do not Zip (output files individually).
  • To create zip archives of only text files, select Convert linefeeds for text files.
  • If you are using an older email application, to email the zip archive as a binary file, select Output Text. Saving the file as ASCII text increases the size of the encrypted file by about 30%. This option is not available when you are using Encryption Desktop in an environment managed by Encryption Management Server.
  • To save the PGP Zip Option settings so you can use them in the future, select Remember these settings next time.
  • Click OK when you are done selecting special options. Click Cancel if you choose not to change any of these options.

    The New PGP Zip dialog box displays again.
  1. When you have finished selecting files for your PGP Zip Archive, click Next.
  2. Select the desired type of encryption and click Next.

    Tip: Move your cursor over each option to view more details in the information field below the option list.
  • Recipient keys - Creates a PGP Zip Archive by encrypting the files to the public keys of the recipient(s), ensuring that only those recipients can use Encryption Desktop to open the archive. This is the most secure option.

  • Passphrase - Creates a PGP Zip Archive by encrypting the files with a passphrase you specify when saving the archive. Only those persons who know the passphrase and who are using Encryption Desktop can open the archive.

  • PGP Self-Decrypting Archive - Creates a PGP Self-Decrypting Archive with a passphrase you specify when saving the archive. PGP Encryption Desktop is not required when decrypting a PGP Self-Decrypting Archive but recipients must be using a computer running Microsoft Windows if you are generating the SDA on Windows.  If you use PGP Command Line, multiple OS platforms can be specified.  See the following articles for more information:

    153684 - Creating a Self Decrypting Archive with PGP Encryption Desktop for Windows (Symantec Encryption Desktop)
    153243 - Creating a Self Decrypting Archive with PGP Command Line (Self-Decrypting Archives - SDAs)

  • Sign Only - Adds your PGP signature to an unencrypted zip file. Your recipient(s) can then open the zip archive using Encryption Desktop, and the included signature verifies that the zip archive came from you and has not been modified in transit.
  1. Click Next. The sign-only PGP Zip Archive is created.
  2. Click Finish

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