Creating a Self Decrypting Archive with PGP Encryption Desktop for Windows (Symantec Encryption Desktop)
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Creating a Self Decrypting Archive with PGP Encryption Desktop for Windows (Symantec Encryption Desktop)


Article ID: 153684


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This article describes how to create Self-Decrypting Archives (SDA) with PGP Encryption Desktop (Symantec Encryption Desktop) for Windows.


A Self-Decrypting Archive (SDA) allows users without PGP Encryption Desktop to view encrypted documents or files.

A PGP Self-Decrypting Archive (SDA) is a PGP Zip Archive that can be opened on any Windows computer. PGP Zip SDA files are standard Windows executable (.exe) files that you an open simply by double-clicking them.

The file is encrypted to a passphrase you specify when creating the SDA. Once you have created your PGP Zip SDA, send it to your recipients however you choose. When the recipient opens the opens the SDA, a passphrase prompt is displayed and after typing the passphrase the files are displayed.

Create SDA Right-Click Method:

Step 1. Right-click the item (a file or folder) that will become the SDA, point to PGP Desktop, then click, "Add "<item>" to new PGP Zip..."

2.If desired, drag and drop more items into the large box, then click Next.

3. Select the option labeled PGP Self-Decrypting Archive, then click Next.

4. Create and confirm a passphrase, then click Next.

5. Type (or browse to) a save location and file name, then click Next.

6. When your PGP Zip is secure, click Finish.

7. The result is a PGP Self-Decrypting Archive file with .exe as the output extension.


Create SDA PGP Zip Method: 

1. Open PGP Encryption Desktop.

2. Click the PGP Zip Control box and then click New PGP Zip. The PGP Zip Assistant is displayed.

3. Drag and drop your files into the area specified in the assistant and then click Next.

4. On the Encrypt screen, select PGP Self-Decrypting Archive and click Next.

5. Type and confirm a passphrase for the SDA.

6. Click Next.

7. Confirm the Save Location or click Browse to change the location and then click Next.

8. Click Finish.



To add an entire directory to the PGP Zip archive you are creating, click the Add directory button.
To add a file to the PGP Zip archive you are creating, click the Add files button.

Due to the nature of Self-Decrypting Archives, the max file size is 4GBs.  If you need to encrypt larger than 4GBs, consider using a PGP Key, which is the recommended method and offers better security. 


Caution: Take every possible precaution to ensure that the passphrase to your PGP Zip SDA is revealed to no one but the intended recipients. If the passphrase is revealed to unauthorized persons, create a new PGP Zip SDA with a different passphrase. Note, however that you can do nothing to re-secure the original archive file and its contents.  Self-Decrypting archives, as well as Conventional Encryption do not allow for recovery (unless you are using the PGP Command Line SDA), so if you encrypt the files, and lose the original, you will have no method to decrypt.


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