Email error and bounce codes for Email
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Email error and bounce codes for Email


Article ID: 169652


Updated On: 03-14-2025




Learn how to interpret common Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) response status codes that affect Symantec Email clients, including:

  • Email error codes.
  • Email bounce back messages.

These codes and messages can occur under the following circumstances:

  • When sending email to a domain protected by the Email service.
  • When sending outbound emails through the Email service.




Email bounce backs occur when an email is sent to an Email client, and a rule is triggered by the email recipient's configuration.


Review the appropriate article for the message you're receiving for more information:

Table of Contents


Temporary Errors:

421 too busy

  • This error message indicates a temporary error.
  • Try resending your message. If the problem persists please contact your IT administrator or Internet Service Provider (ISP).

421 Service Temporarily Unavailable

450 Connection rejected by policy [7.7]

450 Requested action aborted [X]

  • This error message indicates a temporary error.
  • Try resending your message. If the problem persists please contact your IT administrator or Internet Service Provider (ISP).
  • The format of your message did not comply with RFC 2822. Please contact your IT administrator or Internet Service Provider (ISP). If the problem persists, please contact the recipient.

451 TLS/SSLv3 Connection required [11]. (#4.7.1)

  • You are sending to a domain protected by the Email service, or you are a customer subscribed to Email sending outbound through the service. 
  • The Email server responds to the SMTP RCPT TO: command with "451 TLS/SSLv3 Connection required. (#4.7.1)".

452 Too many recipients received this hour

453 you are trying to use me [] as a relay, but I have not been configured to let you do this. Please visit for more details about this error message and instructions to resolve this issue. (#4.7.1)

  • This error message indicates one of the following issues:
    • Your DNS server has cached the recipient’s old MX record.
    • You are trying to relay outbound emails through MessageLabs from an incorrect IP address.
    • The recipient’s domain has an incorrect MX record.
    • The recipient’s email address contains invalid characters.
  • Contact your administrator or your ISP to refresh your DNS server and then try to resend your email again.
    If the problem persists, contact the recipient by other means (e.g. phone) and have them raise the issue with their IT team.

460 too many messages (#4.3.0)

  • The error message indicates that your company or ISP exceeded the number of messages allowed in the same connection.
  • Try resending your message. If the problem persists, contact your IT administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).



Permanent Errors:

501 Connection rejected by policy [1]

501 Connection rejected by policy [7.x]

  • Check with your administrator or ISP that your mail server is not in open relay. Search “Open Relay Test” for an independent testing tool.
    If your mail server is an open relay, please fix the open relay, wait 24 hours, and then try to resend your email.
  • Check with your administrator or ISP that your IP address is not on any spam block lists. Search “email blacklist check” to check using an independent tool.
    If your IP address is on any block lists, please request for removal, wait 24 hours, and then try to resend your email.
  • If the problem persists, contact us for further assistance.

550 Invalid recipient

  • This error message indicates that you have sent an email to an invalid address in the recipient’s domain.
  • Double-check the email address for any spelling errors. If you believe the address is correct, please wait 4-6 hours and then try to resend your email.
  • If the problem persists, contact the recipient by other means (e.g. phone) to ask for further assistance.

550 Requested action aborted [4]

  • The format of your message did not comply with RFC 2822.
  • Contact your IT administrator or ISP.
  • If the problem persists, contact the recipient by other means (e.g. phone).

550 sender envelope domain not allowed for sender IP address (#5.1.8)

         This error occurs when a sender attempts to send an email and any one of the following are true:  

  • The sending domain has not been registered under My Domains or Third-Party Domains.
  • The sending domain is inactive.
  • The sending IP is not in Outbound Routes.

550  [XX.XX.XX.XX] has detected that this message is not RFC 5322

  • Ensure that the message complied to RFC 5322.

553 DMARC domain authentication fail

553 mail rejected because your IP is in the PBL

  • This error message indicates that your public IP address has been put on a block list by the Spamhaus PBL block list. To resolve this issue, please request to have your IP removed at:
  • The delisting process is normally quicker than an hour, once the hour has passed try to resend your email.
  • If the problem persists, contact the recipient by other means (e.g. phone) and request that your email address be added to their Email approved sender's list.

553 Message filtered

553 Recipient mailbox is not allowed

  • The error message indicates that you have sent an email to an invalid address in the recipient’s domain.
  • Double-check the email address for any spelling errors.
  • If you believe the address is correct or if the problem persists, contact the recipient by other means (e.g. phone) to ask for further assistance.

553 Stray linefeeds in message (#5.6.2)

  • This error message happens because we strictly enforce the Internet Message Format standard RFC 5322 (and its predecessor RFC 2822) which state, "CR and LF MUST only occur together as CRLF; they MUST NOT appear independently in the body.

553 Sorry, your domain has been blocked

  • The error message indicates that your IP address is on the recipient’s private block list.
  • Contact the recipient and request that your email address is added to their Email approved sender's list.

553 Sorry, your email address has been blocked

  • The error message indicates that your domain is on the recipient’s private block list.
  • Contact the recipient by other means (e.g. phone) and request that your email address is added to their Email approved senders list.

553 sorry, your envelope sender is in my badmailfrom list

  • This error message indicates that the Symantec Email Security Service is blocking mail from the sender.
  • Check with your IT administrator or Internet Service Provider (ISP) that you are not sending out any spurious emails. The block is removed if no spurious mail is seen within a 24-hour period.
  • If the issue persists, contact us.

553 Sorry, your IP address has been blocked

  • This error message indicates that your public IP address has been put on a block list by the Spamhaus PBL block list. To resolve this issue, request to have your IP removed at
  • The delisting process is normally quicker than an hour. Once an hour has passed try to resend your email.
  • If the problem persists, contact the recipient by other means (e.g. phone) and request that your email address is added to their Email approved sender's list.

553 SPF (Sender Policy Framework) domain authentication fail

Connection refused or connection deferred

  • This error message indicates that your email may have been blocked as spam by our SMTP traffic shaping filter. Please try the following steps to resolve the issue:
    • Check with your administrator or ISP that your mail server is not an open relay. Search for “Open Relay Tester” to find a suitable test site.
      If your mail server is an open relay, fix the open relay and wait 24 hours, then try to resend your email.
    • Check with your administrator or ISP that your IP address is not on any spam block lists, and search for “spam database lookup” for a suitable testing site.
      You are looking for any 3rd party lists that may have received spam from your mail server.
  • If your IP address is on any of these blocklists, make a removal request as soon as possible, once removed please retry sending your mail.

I have not yet been able to deliver your message

  • This error message indicates that the Email server was not able to deliver the email to the recipient’s server so it has queued the email for re-delivery at a later time. This error can be caused by the recipient’s mail server being unavailable at the time.
  • We will continue to try to redeliver the email periodically.
  • Contact your administrator for more details or contact the recipient.

Recipient mailbox is not allowed (

Sorry, your email address (addr) has been blocked

  • Check with your administrator or ISP that your mail server is not in open relay. Search “Open Relay Test” for an independent testing tool.
    If your mail server is an open relay, please fix the open relay, wait 24 hours, and then try to resend your email.
  • Check with your administrator or ISP that your IP address is not on any spam block lists. Search “email blacklist check” to check using an independent tool.
    If your IP address is on any block lists, please request for removal, wait 24 hours, and then try to resend your email.
  • If the problem persists, contact the recipient by other means (e.g. phone) for further assistance.

Sorry, your email/domain/IP address has been blacklisted

Sorry, your IP address (ip-addr) has been blocked

  • Check with your administrator or ISP that your mail server is not in open relay. Search “Open Relay Test” for an independent testing tool.
    If your mail server is an open relay, please fix the open relay, wait 24 hours, and then try to resend your email.
  • Check with your administrator or ISP that your IP address is not on any spam block lists. Search “email blacklist check” to check using an independent tool.
    If your IP address is on any block lists, please request for removal, wait 24 hours, and then try to resend your email.
  • If the problem persists, contact the recipient by other means (e.g. phone) for further assistance.

Additional Information