Key Cache with PGP Encryption Server FAQ (Caching Keys for inbound email - Symantec Encryption Management Server)
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Key Cache with PGP Encryption Server FAQ (Caching Keys for inbound email - Symantec Encryption Management Server)


Article ID: 158748


Updated On: 10-31-2024


Encryption Management Server Gateway Email Encryption PGP Command Line PGP Key Management Server PGP Key Mgmt Client Access and CLI API PGP SDK


This article will go over some of the FAQs for Key Cache, or "Caching Keys" on PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server).


Symantec Encryption Management Server 10.5 and above.


One of the core features of the PGP Encryption Server is that of being a keyserver.

Keys are managed by the PGP Server SEMS for further use via key lookups/searches from various sources. 

Having keys on the local PGP Server speeds up encryption operations as there is no need to search for keys elsewhere. 

One of the methods to benefit from this speed of using these keys is to cache keys on the "Inbound" mailflow.  If someone sends an SMIME email and SEMS processes it, the SMIME key is typically attached to the email and it is then cached on PGP Server in its own Key Cache. 

Keys are cached temporarily (configurable duration) so that further messages to these recipients can be encrypted, and the key lookup process will find the key quickly in the local key store and the overall process is faster. 

The Key Cache on the PGP Encryption Server can be accessed by going to Keys, and then clicking on "Key Cache":


Question 1: Do keys in the Key Cache get purged periodically?
Answer: Yes, they are cleaned out after 1 day by default.


For additional information, see the following article:

162609 - The PGP Encryption Server Key Cache purge routines differ depending on how keys are retrieved (Symantec Encryption Management Server)

Question 2: What is the Max Duration for the Key Cache on PGP Encryption Server?

Answer: The lowest value keys can be cached is 1 hour and the maximum value configurable for this is 999 days.

Important Note: Keys that are cached via Keyserver lookups or other methods will purge after this value configured; however, keys that are cached via "inbound mail" will not be honored with this setting.  Instead, keys that are cached via the inbound mailflow will be cached for 180 days per a hard-coded setting.  

As an example, if the S/MIME key is harvested via an inbound email, this method is harvested as a source of "mailflow":

In this example, the keys should be cached for 180 days and then purged regardless of the Cache Settings parameters. 

For more information on this behavior, see the following article:

162609 - The PGP Encryption Server Key Cache purge routines differ depending on how keys are retrieved (Symantec Encryption Management Server)

Question 3: I have my server in the mailflow, but it's not caching keys--why?

Answer: In order for the keys to be cached, the email containing the key must be an "Inbound" message.  In other words, the PGP Encryption Server does not harvest keys that are sent "Outbound" as typically all the keys for users sending outbound already exist as "Internal Users" on the PGP Encryption Server.  Only Inbound emails will harvest these keys.

Question 4: I have an email that came from an external domain, why is it still not caching it?

Answer: Depending on how the proxies of PGP Encryption Server are configured, the email from an external recipient may be interpreted by PGP Encryption Server as an "Outbound" message. 

If the Proxies are configured with an MTA that is the inbound and outbound connector into PGP Encryption Server, then having two interfaces with different IP Addresses is recommended. 

In this way, the messages for "Inbound" always go to the Inbound IP, and the messages destined for the external domains will always use the Outbound IP Address.

Question 5: Should I purge the Key Cache before the timeout value is reached?

Answer: If you know a single key has been updated, then delete the single key in question from the Key Cache.

Question 6: Immediately after I created a cluster member, the cached keys on the host server are removed and are not replicated.

Answer: The timeout value for cached keys has expired.  After one or more servers are joined to the host server during the creation of a server cluster, one of the services checks the cached key timeout setting as it restarts. If the current date minus the keys’ create date exceeds the defined timeout value, the service flushes the key cache.

Question 7: I have keys cached, but when I send email outbound, the message is not getting encrypted.

Answer: The PGP server will encrypt automatically to cached keys if the keys are cached via a keyserver search.  The PGP server will not encrypt to keys by default if they are observed in the mailflow.  For more information on how to get this to work, see the following article:

233835 - The PGP Encryption Server is not Encrypting to cached keys (Symantec Encryption Management Server)


Additional Information

158748 - Key Cache with PGP Encryption Server FAQ (Caching Keys for inbound email - Symantec Encryption Management Server)

162609 - The PGP Encryption Server Key Cache purge routines differ depending on how keys are retrieved (Symantec Encryption Management Server)

233835 - The PGP Encryption Server is not Encrypting to cached keys (Symantec Encryption Management Server)


ISFR-2131 - Include automatic Smart Trailer functionality for Cached Keys
For this feature request, keys that are cached could be sent to external recipient to opt in to this server for future emails.
To be added to this request, reach out to Symantec Encryption Support and provide this ID.
